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WashingtonDC版 - 在Vienna上班,住在哪里比较方便?
[活动召集] 十一月十九日 Angela Pan分享HDR拍摄经验 (转载)重装屋顶散热电扇-求推荐个师傅
BSO 一下 160“ 的墙上看欧洲杯庆祝李娜夺冠, 发包子
中年狼请进来庆祝父亲节, 发大包子
(在线等)明天去DC,有几个问题请教UA往返中美第二件行李要收钱了!!艹! (转载)
在reston, fairfax, va工作,那里租房?大家都是怎么挑选买房的agent的?
搬到Vienna 七年以来第一次 Home Alone.征优质单男
mdrealtor 请进股票又跌得像屎
[求购]$3000左右二手车一辆or买车顾问准备买sprint, 求真相
话题: imax话题: projector话题: basement话题: screen话题: vienna
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12
发帖数: 1028
Zheye's basement?

【在 l*********9 的大作中提到】
: Vienna的房租比较高,想住的远一点。听说DC附近的交通都很堵,如果想半个小时以内
: 可以到达公司,住在哪里比较方便?

发帖数: 10665
you can also try fairfax, fairfax city.
BTW: what's ur budget?

【在 s****g 的大作中提到】
: Zheye's basement?
发帖数: 3693
俺家的 Basement 是看 160" IMAX TV 的地方,也是孩儿们玩 PS3 的地方。他们 Game 里的 Character 比他们自己的个头都大。
找房间租的话,也可以考虑 Falls Church。当年我在 Vienna 上班时就在这住。

【在 s****g 的大作中提到】
: Zheye's basement?
发帖数: 12542
嗯,还记得当年你老的apartment. 当年租金是800吧?那个地方算是性价比最高的地方

Game 里的 Character 比他们自己的个头都大。

【在 Z***e 的大作中提到】
: 俺家的 Basement 是看 160" IMAX TV 的地方,也是孩儿们玩 PS3 的地方。他们 Game 里的 Character 比他们自己的个头都大。
: 找房间租的话,也可以考虑 Falls Church。当年我在 Vienna 上班时就在这住。
: http://www.apartments.com/rent/Falls-Church-VA/Monticello-Garde

发帖数: 1028
Where did you get the IMAX projector?
Also which IMAX projector did you have?
As far as I know, Imax have 4 kinds of 70 mm film projector: GT (Grand
Theatre), GT 3D (dual rotor), SR (Small Rotor), and MPX.
Sorry I assume you don't have the budget to get the newer digital projector
made by christie for IMAX.
The older project can weigh nearly 2 ton, how did you move it into your
You are using the 1.44 : 1 ratio screen for your IMAX, so exactly how high
is your ceiling in basement?
Sorry for so many questions, I have looked into older IMAX equipment for a
while, but could not find a way to put it in my home theather in the
basement, any advice is greatly appreciated.

Game 里的 Character 比他们自己的个头都大。

【在 Z***e 的大作中提到】
: 俺家的 Basement 是看 160" IMAX TV 的地方,也是孩儿们玩 PS3 的地方。他们 Game 里的 Character 比他们自己的个头都大。
: 找房间租的话,也可以考虑 Falls Church。当年我在 Vienna 上班时就在这住。
: http://www.apartments.com/rent/Falls-Church-VA/Monticello-Garde

发帖数: 12542
rules no.1 千万别在shning面前bso.


【在 s****g 的大作中提到】
: Where did you get the IMAX projector?
: Also which IMAX projector did you have?
: As far as I know, Imax have 4 kinds of 70 mm film projector: GT (Grand
: Theatre), GT 3D (dual rotor), SR (Small Rotor), and MPX.
: Sorry I assume you don't have the budget to get the newer digital projector
: made by christie for IMAX.
: The older project can weigh nearly 2 ton, how did you move it into your
: basement?
: You are using the 1.44 : 1 ratio screen for your IMAX, so exactly how high
: is your ceiling in basement?

发帖数: 10665
haha :-D

【在 x**n 的大作中提到】
: rules no.1 千万别在shning面前bso.
: projector

发帖数: 3693
对,99 年刚搬进去时是 800,2002 年离开时是970.

【在 x**n 的大作中提到】
: 嗯,还记得当年你老的apartment. 当年租金是800吧?那个地方算是性价比最高的地方
: 了。
: Game 里的 Character 比他们自己的个头都大。

发帖数: 3693
You really took the word "IMAX" LITERALLY!
What I said is "IMAX TV", not "IMAX Movie" :)
When watching a 160" screen(wall) (diagonal, about 12ft wide, 6.5ft tall)
from 16 ft away, the feeling is like watching IMAX movie for me. And kids
love playing games on the screen.
If you are interested at the projector we are using now, I can share with
you. But we may upgrade it to 3D one soon though.


【在 s****g 的大作中提到】
: Where did you get the IMAX projector?
: Also which IMAX projector did you have?
: As far as I know, Imax have 4 kinds of 70 mm film projector: GT (Grand
: Theatre), GT 3D (dual rotor), SR (Small Rotor), and MPX.
: Sorry I assume you don't have the budget to get the newer digital projector
: made by christie for IMAX.
: The older project can weigh nearly 2 ton, how did you move it into your
: basement?
: You are using the 1.44 : 1 ratio screen for your IMAX, so exactly how high
: is your ceiling in basement?

搬到Vienna 七年以来第一次 Home Alone.重装屋顶散热电扇-求推荐个师傅
mdrealtor 请进庆祝李娜夺冠, 发包子
[求购]$3000左右二手车一辆or买车顾问庆祝父亲节, 发大包子
发帖数: 1028
Yes, I am looking to upgrade to a new projector in the near future, please
provide your experience or advice.
I am currently using a pair barco cine 9 blend. (scaled to 6400 x 2560)
My current screen is 40ft by 15ft curved by steward film, 1.0 gain. (I do
not plan to upgrade this if possible, as I am limited by my basement height
of 16ft)
I got new seats for 3 rows last year, so I am all set except for the aging
projectors upgrade.

【在 Z***e 的大作中提到】
: You really took the word "IMAX" LITERALLY!
: What I said is "IMAX TV", not "IMAX Movie" :)
: When watching a 160" screen(wall) (diagonal, about 12ft wide, 6.5ft tall)
: from 16 ft away, the feeling is like watching IMAX movie for me. And kids
: love playing games on the screen.
: If you are interested at the projector we are using now, I can share with
: you. But we may upgrade it to 3D one soon though.
: projector

发帖数: 3693
40ft by 15ft screen is not for HOME theater anymore, it's for COMMERCIAL.
Then I guess you might need to ask those commercial guys instead of home
owner here. :)


【在 s****g 的大作中提到】
: Yes, I am looking to upgrade to a new projector in the near future, please
: provide your experience or advice.
: I am currently using a pair barco cine 9 blend. (scaled to 6400 x 2560)
: My current screen is 40ft by 15ft curved by steward film, 1.0 gain. (I do
: not plan to upgrade this if possible, as I am limited by my basement height
: of 16ft)
: I got new seats for 3 rows last year, so I am all set except for the aging
: projectors upgrade.

发帖数: 1028
It is no where near commercial theater by any means.
A standard IMAX screen is 22 × 16.1 m (72 × 52.8 ft), but most is much
I have been to the LG IMAX Theatre in Sydney, Australia. It is approximately
eight stories high, with dimensions of 35.73 × 29.42 m (117.2 × 96.5 ft)
and covers an area of more than 1,015 m2 (10,930 sq ft).
Info is from official website.
I only have 18 seats, 3 rows of 6 each, which is definitly not enough
theater seating for commercial purpose.
I researched IMAX for long time, have not find a way to even buy used
equipment to fit into my basement, that is why I was excited when I heard
someone got Imax in their basement.
I guess I will be sticking with my 8 year old projectors for a little longer
until I can find a better replacement that is far superior and reasonablly
Anyway, care to share what projector you are using now?

【在 Z***e 的大作中提到】
: 40ft by 15ft screen is not for HOME theater anymore, it's for COMMERCIAL.
: Then I guess you might need to ask those commercial guys instead of home
: owner here. :)
: height

发帖数: 3693
哪里,我这是抛砖引玉,给别人提供机会 BSO :)

【在 x**n 的大作中提到】
: rules no.1 千万别在shning面前bso.
: projector

发帖数: 4599

【在 x**n 的大作中提到】
: rules no.1 千万别在shning面前bso.
: projector

发帖数: 12
thanks a lot. I hope I can rent an one bedroom apartment within 1000 per
month and reach company in 30 minutes. But it seems difficult to find such
place here.

【在 b*****n 的大作中提到】
: haha:)
: you can also try fairfax, fairfax city.
: BTW: what's ur budget?

发帖数: 4599
也可以考虑 reston,va 这边

【在 l*********9 的大作中提到】
: Vienna的房租比较高,想住的远一点。听说DC附近的交通都很堵,如果想半个小时以内
: 可以到达公司,住在哪里比较方便?

发帖数: 3693
40 ft x 15 ft, Tyson's Corner AMC 的小点的放映室的 Screen Size 也就那么大了
吧。悉尼的 IMAX 是很大,你不会拿你家的 Home Theater 来跟世界上最大的 IMAX 影
我们的墙也就 8 x 12.5, 我们用的 Epson HomeCinema 8350 打个 200" 以内的还行,
对你 40 x 15 的屏幕来说,肯定不够。所以呢,告诉了你,也帮不了你什么。


【在 s****g 的大作中提到】
: It is no where near commercial theater by any means.
: A standard IMAX screen is 22 × 16.1 m (72 × 52.8 ft), but most is much
: larger.
: I have been to the LG IMAX Theatre in Sydney, Australia. It is approximately
: eight stories high, with dimensions of 35.73 × 29.42 m (117.2 × 96.5 ft)
: and covers an area of more than 1,015 m2 (10,930 sq ft).
: Info is from official website.
: http://www.imax.com.au/visitor_info/
: I only have 18 seats, 3 rows of 6 each, which is definitly not enough
: theater seating for commercial purpose.

发帖数: 5298

【在 Z***e 的大作中提到】
: 40 ft x 15 ft, Tyson's Corner AMC 的小点的放映室的 Screen Size 也就那么大了
: 吧。悉尼的 IMAX 是很大,你不会拿你家的 Home Theater 来跟世界上最大的 IMAX 影
: 院来比吧?呵呵。
: 我们的墙也就 8 x 12.5, 我们用的 Epson HomeCinema 8350 打个 200" 以内的还行,
: 对你 40 x 15 的屏幕来说,肯定不够。所以呢,告诉了你,也帮不了你什么。
: approximately
: )

发帖数: 10665
It is much easier to find a 2bedrooms apt around $1300-1400 than to find an
1 bedroom apt within 1000. you may consider sharing an apt with someone or
renting a basement of a single house.

【在 l*********9 的大作中提到】
: thanks a lot. I hope I can rent an one bedroom apartment within 1000 per
: month and reach company in 30 minutes. But it seems difficult to find such
: place here.

1 (共1页)
准备买sprint, 求真相在reston, fairfax, va工作,那里租房?
我们家小儿子现在开始 Popular 了。搬到Vienna 七年以来第一次 Home Alone.
请大家支持mdrealtor 请进
请辞去斑竹职务的zenny发包子, 排队[求购]$3000左右二手车一辆or买车顾问
[活动召集] 十一月十九日 Angela Pan分享HDR拍摄经验 (转载)重装屋顶散热电扇-求推荐个师傅
BSO 一下 160“ 的墙上看欧洲杯庆祝李娜夺冠, 发包子
中年狼请进来庆祝父亲节, 发大包子
(在线等)明天去DC,有几个问题请教UA往返中美第二件行李要收钱了!!艹! (转载)
话题: imax话题: projector话题: basement话题: screen话题: vienna