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WashingtonDC版 - 新时代的活"雷锋"给每人发$300,快去领 ;-)
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Children's dentist不好意思,又鼻子一酸。。。
话题: chen话题: chinese话题: new话题: york话题: guangbiao
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发帖数: 15010
Chinese tycoon offers free lunch and cash to U.S. poor
By Zoe Li, CNN
Controversial millionaire Chen Guangbiao is known for theatrical
philanthropic stunts
His latest antic: Inviting poor people in the U.S. to a free lunch and
promising cash handouts Chen hopes to foster better U.S.-China ties
Hong Kong (CNN) -- Eccentric Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao took out a full-
page bilingual advertisement in the New York Times, inviting underprivileged
Americans to a charity lunch and offering cash handouts.
According to Chinese media reports, the ad appeared in the New York Times
print edition on Monday, announcing that Chen would host a charity luncheon
at New York Central Park's Loeb Boathouse on June 25 for 1,000 "poor and
destitute Americans". Each participant would also receive $300.
Chen, who is known for theatrical philanthropic stunts, has a photo of
himself in the ad placed side-by-side with a picture of Lei Feng, a Chinese
soldier from the Mao-era who is celebrated as a selfless model citizen. The
title above the images says, "China's 'Lei Feng for a new era.'"
Those who wish to join the luncheon need to RSVP via a Hotmail email address.
Chen Guangbiao buys a full-page ad in the New York Times (from People's
Daily).Chen Guangbiao buys a full-page ad in the New York Times (from People
's Daily).
Chen Guangbiao's English namecard (from Sina Weibo).Chen Guangbiao's English
namecard (from Sina Weibo).
Chen said he was hoping the lunch would show the U.S. that there are Chinese
"There are many wealthy Chinese billionaires but most of them gained their
wealth from market speculation and colluding with government officials while
destroying the environment. I can't bear the sight of it," Chen told the
South China Morning Post.
Making his fortune from recycling domestic waste and construction materials
in China, Chen has been in the media spotlight in recent years for his
dramatic publicity stunts promoting philanthropic causes. He arrived at the
scene of the 2013 Lushan earthquake in Sichuan just hours after the disaster
took place and personally handed out cash to the victims.
Chen has also tried unsuccessfully to buy the New York Times as part of his
ongoing campaign to develop closer ties between U.S. and China. He recently
expressed a desire to reignite discussions to buy the paper's opinion
section and fill it with articles about environmental protection and charity.
Founder of the Huangpu Renewable Resources Utilization Group, Chen has
donated hundreds of millions of dollars to various charitable causes over
the years and has made it more than once onto Forbes' list of Asia's leading
But not everyone is taken with Chen's flashy generosity.
Jeremy Goldkorn, director of Chinese media research firm Danwei, says: "Chen
is a clown whose so-called philanthropy appears to consist entirely of self
-promotional stunts like giving handouts of cash in Taipei and New York, and
cans of air to people in China."
Goldkorn has also tweeted that Chen is the "greatest insult to the Chinese
Other critics find it difficult to take Chen seriously when his English
namecard lists an absurdly long string of self-aggrandizing titles,
including "Most Charismatic Philanthropist of China."
发帖数: 15010
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【在 g********0 的大作中提到】
: Chinese tycoon offers free lunch and cash to U.S. poor
: By Zoe Li, CNN
: Controversial millionaire Chen Guangbiao is known for theatrical
: philanthropic stunts
: His latest antic: Inviting poor people in the U.S. to a free lunch and
: promising cash handouts Chen hopes to foster better U.S.-China ties
: Hong Kong (CNN) -- Eccentric Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao took out a full-
: page bilingual advertisement in the New York Times, inviting underprivileged
: Americans to a charity lunch and offering cash handouts.
: According to Chinese media reports, the ad appeared in the New York Times

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costco membership (转载)Children's dentist
Yeah, outer space new year!靠,比EB1 都快的新渠道 (转载)
从苏州代表团得到的信息及体会我蠢我猪被骗$4800美元记 (转载)
话题: chen话题: chinese话题: new话题: york话题: guangbiao