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WaterWorld版 - 电子邮件像情书
现在wiki天天挂个人头像,很刺眼有奖征名字(英文及译中文名),给小提琴牌子起一个名字 (转载)
话说 轨道高速运行技术震怒!红十字又爆丑闻!部长装腔做事为面子工程迎接领导舍弃
像MACH 3那样的刮胡刀可以放在CARRY ON里带上飞机吗?给那些仍然相信爱的人贴一首Unchained Melody
I am loving a girl in early 20's, but I am not sure澄清一点,关于柴玲和流血 (转载)
Let the hater be a hater!!!花钱也要交税,赚钱也要交税。
Pianist's anti-US melody The US is truly stupid!!Jimmy Wong
话题: jimmy话题: melody话题: may话题: love话题: deedee
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
My husband and I have been married for ten years. Recently I had a business
trip to France and we bought a house and needed to move during that time. My
husband stayed. During the first few days, we cound not call each other. So
we email each other instead.
May 24 Jimmy to Melody:
How's my sweet sweet Melody???Please call me if you can! bi bi-- Love you
JIMMY & DeeDee
May 24 Melody to Jimmy:
I now have access to the internet. I am good, how are you? Do you still feel
weak? I hope you feel better. Otherwise, do not hesitate to go to the
clinic to see Dr. Smith. Please call me at 1:00 pm this afternoon. I will
wait in my room at 8:00 pm. There is a 7 hour difference.I love you and say
hello to DeeDee. Melody
May 24 Jimmy to Melody:
i'VE BEEN FEELING GOOD FOR Two DAYS NOW. YOU HAVE $*** in bank safety depsit
box for your house we are moveing today. I tried calling yeasterday but
all I got a a busy signal. Love you Jimmy
May 24 Melody to Jimmy:
Great. You put the check in the safety depsit box in the bank? Smart.The
number should work. If you are too busy today, you don't need call me
today. We can discuss over the email. I am so happy I will live in the new
house after I come back.Take care. Don't work too hard. Make sure you
valuables (you know what I mean) are in the safe place during moving,Love
May 25 Jimmy to Melody:
the most important things have been taken care of "I do know what you Mean"-
--DeeDee is fine when I call you they ask for a room number--please, send me
the room number. If you check the charts you will see that DeeDee is doing
great>>> Love jimmy
May 25 Melody to Jimmy:
My room number is 601. Call me tomorrow at 1:00 pm, which will be my 8:00 pm
. Love Melody
May 25 Jimmy to Melody:
i HAVE BE WORKING MY ASS OFF----This will take a long time to get organized,
the worst is over. we finished moving the last few things today -------
finny--finny finny---finny I TELL YOU. I've been feeling fine, thank GOD
see you soon--The next E- mail. make sure you tell me what time for sure
you will be back---Day and time. love
you Jimmy, Jimbo, James
May 26 Melody to Jimmy:
My flight is suppose to arrive at 5:30 pm on Monday 05/30. If there is a
delay, I will let you know. You can stay home till I call you from Chicago.
Remember, no call, no leave!DId you move the wash machine? I will talk to
you tonight. Love you Melody
May 25 Jimmy to Melody:
YES. I MOVED THE WASHING MACH. BUT, I forgot DeeDee. oh well we will just
--THE HOUSE IS AMAZING------ you have really climbed the ladder. I drove buy
your old house. And I accually feel sorry for Mr. Webster.That hot suddenly
looked tiny, tiny tiny.----Yes –Mary keeps calling but I tell her I'm very
busy . Eventually, we will have to show them the house. LOVE you Jimmy
May 26 Melody to Jimmy:
I was calculating and actually we can pay off the new house now. Anyway, we
can discuss that in detail later. How was your first sleep in the new house?
Love you. Melody
May 26 Jimmy to Melody:
With DeeDee going up up up in value we should pay off the house. All the pay
checks will be yours, after that... and YOU PAY NO INTEREST----THE BANKS
WILL HATE YOU----- BUT WHO CARES The Chinese Panda that I Have is in a World
of it's own, suddenly climbing by 500 DeeDee's a day..I know Jesues
Christ but that panda in my hand—so that I could give it to Melody.. I will
but it in a very small box and give it to you When you return--REMIND ME...
... Love ya JIMMY
May 26 Melody to Jimmy:
I like the way that you use DeeDee's name everywhere. Call me.
May 26 Jimmy to Melody:
I just got out of the Jacuzzi the water floats you and the jets massage you
it made me cry and think How great God is and HOW Lovely my Melody is and
Why DeeDee will make you RICH beyound your wildest dreams LOVE Ya ,
May 28 Melody to Jimmy:
Jimmy: Here is my returning itinerary. Love ya Melodyf
May 28 Jimmy to Melody:
O-key--do-key---------I'LL SEE YOU MONDAY---------love You Jimmy
发帖数: 4681
1 (共1页)
Jimmy WongI am loving a girl in early 20's, but I am not sure
那个AV什么什么Let the hater be a hater!!!
Liv Tyler v.s. Cameron Diaz你更喜欢哪个car wash? (转载)Pianist's anti-US melody The US is truly stupid!!
现在wiki天天挂个人头像,很刺眼有奖征名字(英文及译中文名),给小提琴牌子起一个名字 (转载)
话说 轨道高速运行技术震怒!红十字又爆丑闻!部长装腔做事为面子工程迎接领导舍弃
像MACH 3那样的刮胡刀可以放在CARRY ON里带上飞机吗?给那些仍然相信爱的人贴一首Unchained Melody
话题: jimmy话题: melody话题: may话题: love话题: deedee