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WaterWorld版 - are you ready to be a bostoner?
BOSTON征男友(附照片) (转载)Re: (供求)Boston地区求购mini cooper (转载)
[PG13] Boston僵尸 (转载)哥,踏遍北美,还是发现Boston的妞质量高 (转载)
在BOSTON UNIVERSITY读个一年的FINANCE 的MASTER, 回国做什么Boston爆炸是恐怖活动吗?民族冲突而已
其实美国适合华人居住的就两个区间Re: 要到boston呆两天,有女生一起hang out吗? (转载)
哇,刚才居然地震了孙铊 in Boston?
祝福一位海归南京后长期失业的生物千老校友(ZZ)Boston版越来越烂了---贱恶板斧Amo (转载)
话题: bostoner话题: her话题: when话题: ready话题: boston
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5435
ne story most of u might know:
in one grill party, one of u gave an exmple to support my claim about
the liberal of Boston; one day when he was on the train of subway, two gay
parterner were kissing, one voice came from other passengers, " get a room".
" you pay for it" is the happliy response of the two, relaxed joking
tune sweeping out all possible akward tension -- how confident and self-
respect a person need to be to say that in that way...
whenever something of Boston bother me, that scene rising in a cart
of leisurely ambiece make me smile and sign; there is no gloomy but only
sunshine in Bostoners' inside, no matter how bad the weather is and how crap
some other outside stuff are...
Another story most of u might not know:
I was on the train of subway full of lonely souls in that special
night, so when she put her hand in my hand and lie her head on my shoulder,
everybody look at us like finnally they land their emotional hurting journey
on sth. i said lightly, "you know that people would mistake they are les
when they even have hands together in US". " Yes, I know" Her eyes are
shining, which make me lose all ability to hurt to reply that I am not. "
all the people are looking at us, if they yell: get a room, do you have the
gut to reply: you pay for it?" Silence and distance.... When I feel relaxed
but lonly because lack of intimacy and talk with her again, I was shocked by
tears full of her face....
Whenever that broken-heart face appeared again, i would ask myself:
are you ready confident enough to be a Bostoner?
1 (共1页)
Boston版越来越烂了---贱恶板斧Amo (转载)在BOSTON UNIVERSITY读个一年的FINANCE 的MASTER, 回国做什么
【弹劾】Boston版四amo (转载)哇,刚才居然地震了
Re: ****朱令案证据汇总(转载)*****更新中祝福一位海归南京后长期失业的生物千老校友(ZZ)
BOSTON征男友(附照片) (转载)Re: (供求)Boston地区求购mini cooper (转载)
[PG13] Boston僵尸 (转载)哥,踏遍北美,还是发现Boston的妞质量高 (转载)
话题: bostoner话题: her话题: when话题: ready话题: boston