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WaterWorld版 - 喜欢吃汉堡包的就别进来看了
刚吃完饭的就别进来了beef lady finger meat 是什么肉啊?
根据一滴血原则,中国人与外国人生的孩子都不是中国人到老美快餐店点berger, 被问preferences, 一问三不知
纽约川菜兵器谱(汇总最新回复版) (转载)外F的是否英文都很好?
Nearly 20 percent of Chinese farmland contaminated本虾大战burgerking小白女 (转载)
~~~~~~~~>@<~~~~~~~~~Global Warming: Meat The Truth (video) (转载)
每周写两个review (转载)说垃圾食品导致肥胖的,都至少算半NC
话题: meat话题: do话题: what话题: slime
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3803
When recently asked why they agreed to feed "pink slime" to our children,
school lunch officials said it was to drop the price of ground beef -- by 3
cents per pound. This disturbing admission should come as no surprise,
however, for anyone familiar with the meat industry's notorious willingness
to cut costs at the expense of consumers' health.
In a study titled "Fast food hamburgers: what are we really eating?"
pathologists at the Cleveland Clinic dissected burgers from eight different
fast food chains to find out what was, or wasn't, inside. Published in the
Annals of Diagnostic Pathology, the paper begins with "Most consumers
presume that the hamburger they eat is composed primarily of meat." But what
did they find?
Similar to a previous dissection they had performed on hot dogs, the
researchers discovered waste and by-products including connective tissue,
nerve tissue, cartilage, bone, and in a quarter of the samples, Sarcocystis
parasites. But surely these "fillers" were the minority, right?
Unfortunately not. After crunching the numbers, the researchers found that
the amount of actual meat (muscle flesh) in the burgers ranged from 2.1
percent to 14.8 percent. Instead of fries, perhaps fast food cashiers should
be asking, "Do you want meat with that?"
In addition to reducing quality, cutting corners also tends to reduce safety
, which is why the pink slime in question is injected with ammonia hydroxide
contaminated with. Instead of addressing the contamination issue itself, the
meat industry employs a cheap "technofix" to turn what was once considered
waste into slimy profits.
So what do the meat pushers do when cheap chemicals won't do the trick, and
their products leave the processing plant contaminated with fecal bacteria?
Do they shut down the plant? Order a recall? No. They shift responsibility
onto the consumer. "Raw meats are not idiot-proof," a USDA poultry
microbiologist said. "They can be mishandled and when they are, it's like
handling a hand grenade. If you pull the pin, somebody's going to get hurt."
In other words, if you get sick from contaminated meat, it's your fault.
But just how often is meat contaminated? This month the CDC released their
latest national meat survey in response to this question. They tested more
than 5,000 samples of retail meat products straight off the shelves in
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, New Mexico,
New York, Oregon, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania. What they found could hardly
have been more disturbing: 90 percent of pork chops, ground beef and ground
turkey, and 95 percent of chicken breasts, were contaminated with fecal
bacteria. No wonder an Alabama poultry science professor was quoted in a
meat industry journal as saying, "it's too expensive not to sell salmonella-
positive chicken."
Of course, not everyone agrees with the notion that the public should
willingly assume these risks. Dr. Patricia Griffin, director of the
foodborne diseases division at the CDC, responded by asking, "Is it
reasonable that if a consumer undercooks a hamburger that their 3-year-old
child dies?"
Which brings us back to the real question: Which is more important,
corporate profits or the safety and health of our loved ones? Using "pink
slime" as a springboard, let's make our answer very clear.
1 (共1页)
家里有孩子的,建议最起码鸡蛋牛奶吃有机的。 (转载)Nearly 20 percent of Chinese farmland contaminated
名校的破烂&无用专业就不要提了每周写两个review (转载)
刚吃完饭的就别进来了beef lady finger meat 是什么肉啊?
根据一滴血原则,中国人与外国人生的孩子都不是中国人到老美快餐店点berger, 被问preferences, 一问三不知
纽约川菜兵器谱(汇总最新回复版) (转载)外F的是否英文都很好?
话题: meat话题: do话题: what话题: slime