

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
WaterWorld版 - 好文分享 (转载)
方黑,韩黑,韩粉我能理解,可是方粉呢?鞋攻蛋袭方滨兴神秘人士现身 (转载)
美国人对六四定论:“在任何国家都不会被容忍”凤姐公布择偶新标准: 发誓要找一个常春藤毕业的
Dalai Lama: Forgive the Boston bombers凤姐国际化-纽约邮报专访凤姐:老公必须常春藤美国人
We've been working so hard for the lawsuit,kind friends,please join us.外f女的生活很丰富多彩啊
[转载]请有良心和正义的人,尽量转载,作恶之人必被严惩。Woman outlaw became cradle-snatcher after plastic surgery
如果娶她, 我愿意当2夫给酸葡萄们看看美满的外F家庭
一个外嫁后生的女儿的照片说西方人无法发中国人名字里的”X " 字母的,看看
话题: american话题: work话题: foo话题: activities话题: fugly
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 754
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: zhongguotewu (tewu), 信区: Military
标 题: 好文分享
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 26 00:58:07 2012, 美东)
Dear esteemed FOO leaders,
We are a bunch of concerned Chinese students and scholars from the People's
Republic of China who are now staying in the US to study the advanced
science and technology of America and promote the Sino-American frendship
between our two great countries, peoples and governments. We are concerned
because we recently found one of your FOO workers, whose name is meditation
guru with the web name known as "BAR", has often posted on a popular
Chinese language BBS, which is named mitbbs.com, and another one which he
started, which is named .com, especially doing so during daily
working hours. We believe that he not only used the time of daily working
hours for these activities but also used the compuetrs of his work unit to
do so. That is a unforgiving violation of the work place rules of the said
work unit, we are quite sure. Because he is shamelessly wasting the funding
of the American tax payer citizens for his own non work related activities.
Furthermore in these activities he has made terririst threat against another
human being "fugly", who is a excellent leader of the military board on
mitbbs.com and has always followed American law in doing so. Mr. guru and
his followers and running dogs are curently doing so by finding the private
information about "fugly" and posting them widely on the internet, which
violated the personal privacy of "fugly" to a very large degree, which
is condemmed overwhelmingly by the masses of people on mitbbs.com. We
strongly demand that the leaders of Mr. guru's work unit punish him severely
for his unethical and illegal activities, so that he will not damage the
Sino-American friendship and cooperation relationship, which has taken much
efort to establish and develop for many years.
Thanks you.
A concerned person who loves the work of FOO
发帖数: 7595
第一句。 Bunch。 让人立马想到Wild Bunch Of Outlaw Gang。 专门抢火车的,专门
Concerned Chinese。
Advanced Science。
发帖数: 19235

【在 z**c 的大作中提到】
: 这英语真是烂到令人发指了。
: 第一句。 Bunch。 让人立马想到Wild Bunch Of Outlaw Gang。 专门抢火车的,专门
: 有他们的电子游戏。
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butch_Cassidy's_Wild_Bunch
: Concerned Chinese。
: Advanced Science。
: 。。。
: 不知道什么意思。

发帖数: 754
此文出自某五毛小將自費文科小留之手, 很經典的, 我以後打算每星期轉載一次, 與大

【在 z**c 的大作中提到】
: 这英语真是烂到令人发指了。
: 第一句。 Bunch。 让人立马想到Wild Bunch Of Outlaw Gang。 专门抢火车的,专门
: 有他们的电子游戏。
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butch_Cassidy's_Wild_Bunch
: Concerned Chinese。
: Advanced Science。
: 。。。
: 不知道什么意思。

1 (共1页)
说西方人无法发中国人名字里的”X " 字母的,看看We've been working so hard for the lawsuit,kind friends,please join us.
其实外F 蛮有意思的。[转载]请有良心和正义的人,尽量转载,作恶之人必被严惩。
I'm into(who isn't? hehe :)) good looking tall white man---shameless chinese bitch!!!如果娶她, 我愿意当2夫
章子怡怎么越长越象杨紫琼了 (转载)一个外嫁后生的女儿的照片
方黑,韩黑,韩粉我能理解,可是方粉呢?鞋攻蛋袭方滨兴神秘人士现身 (转载)
美国人对六四定论:“在任何国家都不会被容忍”凤姐公布择偶新标准: 发誓要找一个常春藤毕业的
Dalai Lama: Forgive the Boston bombers凤姐国际化-纽约邮报专访凤姐:老公必须常春藤美国人
话题: american话题: work话题: foo话题: activities话题: fugly