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WaterWorld版 - 想领养猫的绝对要考虑这只小猫,生命力绝对顽强 (转载)
为什么会有似曾相识感 ztIf Lien had been cautious enough, he could have avoided this mess.
原上海医科大学药学院Faculty梁誠一被判刑5年Be cautious to those women/girls, who pretend to be ladies
看看你住的地方是否安全@ 吃中餐的锁男就不要想找白妞 (转载)
洛杉矶华裔社区宁静中暗藏杀机 过去三年命案迭起请教一下你们说的五毛是什么意思压?
你以为在美国高中就能毕业了? (转载)is it true if u use brain too much u will get white hair?
我写了一首说唱歌曲,讲述留学生活的!叫留你妈!Edward Carson Waller Distinguish Service 是什么头衔?来历?
稳步推广人民币结算,是冲破能源和原材料瓶颈的关键 (转载)有些白人的眉毛是金黄色的
话题: kitten话题: animal话题: container话题: mayeda话题: ni
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 641
【 以下文字转载自 pets 讨论区 】
发信人: McGrady (儒雅的姚禽兽昨晚很黄很暴力 - Thomas语), 信区: pets
标 题: 想领养猫的绝对要考虑这只小猫,生命力绝对顽强
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 12 23:46:13 2012, 美东)
三个月大,集装箱里不吃不喝三个星期, 海运从中国到美国
CARSON, Calif. -- A 3-month-old kitten survived a journey across the Pacific
, traveling from Shanghai to Los Angeles without food or water while locked
in a freight container on a ship.
The orange-and-white short-haired kitten traveled 6,500 miles before
arriving Wednesday.
It was unclear how many days the kitten was in the container. The trip can
take as long as 21 days, according to freighter-travel.com.
The stowaway was retrieved from the container at a Compton-area business
where it was delivered.
Los Angeles County animal control officers are cautiously watching his
The kitten is quarantined, which is standard procedure after entering the U.
S. from another country.
The kitten ate and slept well at the Carson Animal Care Center, said animal
control director Marcia Mayeda. He was alert and responsive Thursday.
Mayeda says workers named him Ni Hao (NEE'-How), which means "hello" in
Mandarin Chinese.
When Ni Hao recovers, gets his shots and is neutered, the shelter will look
for foster and permanent homes.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/07/12/2893371/chinese-kitten-stows-away-on-la.html#storylink=cpy
1 (共1页)
有些白人的眉毛是金黄色的你以为在美国高中就能毕业了? (转载)
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毛毛虫怎么翻译?稳步推广人民币结算,是冲破能源和原材料瓶颈的关键 (转载)
为什么会有似曾相识感 ztIf Lien had been cautious enough, he could have avoided this mess.
原上海医科大学药学院Faculty梁誠一被判刑5年Be cautious to those women/girls, who pretend to be ladies
看看你住的地方是否安全@ 吃中餐的锁男就不要想找白妞 (转载)
洛杉矶华裔社区宁静中暗藏杀机 过去三年命案迭起请教一下你们说的五毛是什么意思压?
话题: kitten话题: animal话题: container话题: mayeda话题: ni