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WaterWorld版 - 卧底警察参与袭击Range Rover...
重伤摩托车手的律师Gloria Allred说,事情是这样的 (转载)[合集] 原来那便衣警察也砸路虎车了.NYPD头大了.告他了(update)
I bet Lien will be found guilty of manslauter路虎事件的biker里有警察
路虎男是否可以去状告纽约警察?RECKLESS BIKER的老婆也够reckless
看纽约的黑人摩托车党怎么样在街头撒野的WOW! Property Liens for Unpaid Child Support
碰到路虎男这种情况,可以直接把摩托撞死吗?【【【注意】】】针对薛铊和李铊的白宫请愿书来了!!!! (转载)
在北美的中国男 (转载)all chinese should demand the release of ZL case documents
话题: bikers话题: cruz话题: his话题: them话题: suv
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UndeniableTruth 5ptsFeatured
29 minutes ago.@Carl Silagyi
Had the SUV pulled off the side of the road the Bikers would have still
damaged his vehicle as they were trying to extort money from him. That's
what these guys do, they single out expensive vehicles and get them to stop
when the stage an "accident" by slowing back into them to bump them. Cruz
wasn't turned around looking for his buddies, he was turned around to judge
the distance to the SUV to make sure his "accident" was very minor.
If you watch the video, Cruz cuts into his lane, then narrowly passes him
before staging his accident. All of the bikers in front of the situation
stop almost immediately after Cruz had his "accident". They didn't continue
on, nor did they pull off to the side of the road. It was clearly a
premeditated highway robbery. If they were just trying to block traffic so
they had the road to themselves for doing stunts, their actions sure didn'
t indicate it as they didn't try to stop the white panel van, only the
expensive SUV. Regardless, purposely impeding the flow of traffic is
illegal, as was their reckless driving.
Cruz is being charged with unlawful imprisonment, which basically means he
was kidnapping the Liens. Everyone who stopped their bike, or stood, in
front of the Lien's vehicle was an accomplice in this criminal act. I don't
believe for a minute that Mieses was trying to help his friend, other than
to imprison the Liens. The video shows no people or bikes on the ground to
help up.
All of the bikers who have been charged so far all have long criminal
records. Some were driving without licenses, so they had no right to be
riding in the first place. That's the really sad part. Folks, this is what
happens when fathers abandon their families, they grow up to be worthless
pieces of trash like these bikers. What's sad is that these worthless
pieces of meat who cared nothing for their own and others safety have
children at home who will no longer have a father. But these guys weren't
exactly setting a good example anyways. Throw them all in jail and throw
away the keys.
What this event taught us is that if a large group of bikers purposely tries
to stop you with a brake check in front of your vehicle for no apparent
reason, the best course of action is to run them over and not slow down.
Call the cops and go to the nearest police station and tell them you are
avoiding a mob action to rob you.

【在 d**********2 的大作中提到】
: 这如果是真的,NYPD就惨了
: http://nypost.com/2013/10/07/bike-cop-joined-in-on-suv-beatdown

发帖数: 2718

【在 d**********2 的大作中提到】
: 这如果是真的,NYPD就惨了
: http://nypost.com/2013/10/07/bike-cop-joined-in-on-suv-beatdown

发帖数: 3081
1 (共1页)
路虎男和夏峻峰案例比较在北美的中国男 (转载)
大家知道Gay man 有开摩托车的吗?原来那便衣警察也砸路虎车了.NYPD头大了.
重伤摩托车手的律师Gloria Allred说,事情是这样的 (转载)[合集] 原来那便衣警察也砸路虎车了.NYPD头大了.告他了(update)
I bet Lien will be found guilty of manslauter路虎事件的biker里有警察
路虎男是否可以去状告纽约警察?RECKLESS BIKER的老婆也够reckless
看纽约的黑人摩托车党怎么样在街头撒野的WOW! Property Liens for Unpaid Child Support
话题: bikers话题: cruz话题: his话题: them话题: suv