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WaterWorld版 - 给参议院发了封信
Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz已经给一家独立媒体写信建议播报JK事件了。 (转载)
好消息,ABC总裁给我发信,承诺组织委员会进行调查 (转载)ABC的道歉信全文,以及下一步的行动
[转发]请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 的节目关于杀光中国人不当(转载)SB Woo和ABC还差很多没做。这事儿不能就这么着
MLGB的,这帮孙子们就是吃硬不吃软!从保护儿童角度写了一封抗议ABC的公开信,请在中小学广泛转发 (转载)
给ABC的管理层发信,抗议,要求fire Jimmy Kimmel请发信给Jimmy Kimmel show的赞助商抗议 有包子
ABC 虚假道歉后的方案Jimmy Kimmel Live! IS NOT LIVE - wikipedia
Fire Kimmel Campaign 行动草案(游行之外)请大家向FBI举报ABC的jimmy kimmel 的节目关于杀光中国人 (转载)
给迪斯尼总公司发了一封信 (转载)请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 在节目中煽动杀光中国人 (转载)
话题: abc话题: kimmel话题: jimmy话题: chinese话题: live
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 25
Dear Senator xxxx,
My name is xxx, residing in xxxx. I am writing in concern of the Jimmy
Kimmel Live! on Oct. 16, broadcasted by ABC. The program is offensive.
Please use your influence to stop the propaganda of racial hatred and
During the Oct. 16 episode of ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live," host Kimmel posed a
question to four kids: "America owes China a lot of money, $1.3 trillion.
How should we pay them back?" One child suggested "killing everyone in China
." Kimmel laughed "that's an interesting idea."
The young boy might not know anything better. But what sickens me is how
Jimmy Kimmel and ABC’s management handled the comment. They had a choice
not to air this racist clip, which clearly promotes racial hatred and
genocide. I cannot imagine this piece would have been aired if it were
targeting at Jewish, black, GLBT or lots of other minority groups. I have
nothing against those groups. But by contrast, Jimmy Kimmel and ABC’s lack
of sensitivity to Chinese community was evidential.
After waves of angry protests across America, ABC tried to use vague
language to get by. Below please see what is published on ABC’s website.
ABC is apologizing for a segment of "Jimmy Kimmel Live" in which a child
joked about killing Chinese people to help erase the U.S. debt.
The boy's unscripted comment came during a comedy bit in which youngsters
commented on news events. The skit, aimed at poking fun at childish
politicians, aired last week on Kimmel's late-night talk show.
ABC's apology came in response to a complaint from a group called 80-20 that
identifies itself as a pan-Asian-American political organization.
In an Oct. 25 letter to the group, ABC said it would never purposefully do
anything to upset the Chinese, Asian or other communities. The network says
the skit will be edited out of the "Jimmy Kimmel Live" episode for future
airings or any other distribution, including online.
In the letter, ABC demonstrated that they have no idea what went wrong. ABC
chose to broadcast the same rhetoric used by Nazi against Jews. It is not a
joke. It is irrelevant whether ABC did it “purposefully”, or not. They
showed no real regret, nor planned to do anything to stop it from happening
again in the future.
Your Honorable, as you are aware, Chinese community in xxxxxxx, though small
in number, has been a strong contributor to the local economy. We cherish
our culture heritage, and believe in the American value, which states in the
constitution, “We the people’. The program is totally unacceptable and it
has to be cut. A sincere apology must be issued by ABC. Your Honorable,
please use your influence to ensure all races can live peacefully together
in xxxxxxx.
Thank you for your time and considering my request.
1 (共1页)
请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 在节目中煽动杀光中国人 (转载)给ABC的管理层发信,抗议,要求fire Jimmy Kimmel
Jimmy Kimmel杀光中国人视频的一点技术处理ABC 虚假道歉后的方案
ABC 的联系方式Fire Kimmel Campaign 行动草案(游行之外)
刚刚打了Jimmy Kimmel电话留了言, 大家都应该去教训一下他们给迪斯尼总公司发了一封信 (转载)
Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz已经给一家独立媒体写信建议播报JK事件了。 (转载)
好消息,ABC总裁给我发信,承诺组织委员会进行调查 (转载)ABC的道歉信全文,以及下一步的行动
[转发]请发信投诉ABC的jimmy kimmel 的节目关于杀光中国人不当(转载)SB Woo和ABC还差很多没做。这事儿不能就这么着
MLGB的,这帮孙子们就是吃硬不吃软!从保护儿童角度写了一封抗议ABC的公开信,请在中小学广泛转发 (转载)
话题: abc话题: kimmel话题: jimmy话题: chinese话题: live