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WaterWorld版 - 大家要当心小黑最近流行的knockout game (转载)
USPSUCS1:孙维为什么要改名?特大喜讯:反外F的萌芽已经在LA生根!!!! (转载)
80後 90後 英文怎麼說 (转载)朱令案黑帮罪犯们听好了
一定要警惕强奸犯和抢劫犯的新伎俩(zt) (转载)白人清洁公司偷拍中餐馆脏乱差 (转载)
$20/hr, Subjects Needed for Study on Driver Fatigue大家小心Knockout Game (转载)
话题: knockout话题: game话题: new话题: york话题: jersey
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发帖数: 1716
【 以下文字转载自 MartialArts 讨论区 】
发信人: xfdh (The Vendor), 信区: MartialArts
标 题: 大家要当心小黑最近流行的knockout game (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Nov 21 11:37:50 2013, 美东)
发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: Military
标 题: 大家要当心小黑最近流行的knockout game
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 20 08:37:10 2013, 美东)
Knockout game是美国新一代黑人青年兴起的一种公共场所游戏,针对白人和亚裔等人
Teen 'knockout game' continues to harm innocent people
The worrying 'game' is played by choosing victims at random and trying to
knock them to the ground with one punch. More and more people report being
victimized by its callous 'players.'
This disturbing game is a hit with goons.
"Knockout" is an emerging trend among unhinged teens that consists of
targeting a passerby at random and trying to lay them out with one punch.
That's it.
Participants call this — the game's singular move — the "one hitter
Their victims can be anyone: elderly men or mothers with kids are not exempt
. This poor attempt at manliness — i.e. thinly veiled cowardice — has even
ended in death.
Most of the knockout incidents have taken place in the New York metro area.
New York-based CBS 2 shed light on the fisticuff fad earlier this month with
a report on the twisted game in Jersey City.
"You just knock them out. You hit them with a blow and you take their
belongings," one teen told the station.
Another youngster said that people participate simply "for the fun of it."
But another said wannabe tough guys are interested in whether their friends
actually have the strength to strike somebody down.
Phoebe Connolly, of Vermont, told ABC affiliate WJLA that she was targeted
while riding her bike in the Columbia Heights section of Washington, D.C.
"My whole head went flying to the side… it was a hard punch," Connolly said
. "One kid came from the side and pretty much cut me off. He threw a hook
with his left hand and got me right in the face and he said, 'Wapow!'"
This month, New York police have been investigating whether attacked-Jews in
Crown Heights were victims of anti-Semitic hate crimes or knockout, as the
Daily News previously reported.
Back in September, a New Jersey man, 46-year-old Ralph Santiago, was found
dead with a broken neck and his head between two fence spikes in Hoboken,
the Jersey Journal said. Some suspect he was a victim of the warped game.
Hoang Nguyen, 72, of St. Louis, died from knockout while walking home from a
store in April 2011, according to the St. Louis Patch-Dispatch.
The Missouri paper reported that the attacker, 20 year-old Elex Murphy, was
convicted of second-degree murder, first-degree assault and armed criminal
action. He was sentenced to 55 years in prison.
But many other knockout "players" have dodged the law and could even be
planning to play again.
1 (共1页)
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话题: knockout话题: game话题: new话题: york话题: jersey