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WaterWorld版 - SCIENCE上面的一篇挺肖传国的帖子(转)
胜利者的号角:看郝新2010Science雄文的春秋笔法[合集] 美国医生又来电,可证明化验的铊就是清华的
方舟子新的造谣:“神经外科专家们反对肖氏手术”。[合集] 如果我共能把中亚5国并入中国版图
话题: xiao话题: dr话题: fang话题: he话题: mr
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4134
Over the past few days, I have only slept three hours each day and have read
a lot online about Dr. Xiao and Mr. Fang. I feel that it is my obligation
to let the world know what kind of person Dr. Xiao is.
I frankly tell everyone that I make friends only with those who are
unselfish and care about others. Even though we are friends from the same
school or same class if I find him selfish, then we are not friends anymore.
I have known Dr. Xiao for thirty years since 1980. Dr. Xiao is my friend
because he meets my standards for being a friend. Dr. Xiao is a decent
unselfish and upright fellow, who works very hard for his patients and for
the health of all mankind.
In 1986 we lived in the same building and same floor, with our doors facing
each other, separated by the hallway. Later on he went to England, and I
came to the United States. We met again in Washington DC in 1988. In January
1995 my brother came to the US for Graduate Studies and he was supposed to
arrive at 6:30pm. Unfortunately my car completely broke down on that day at
3pm. It takes two hours from Philadelphia to JFK airport. I was nervous and
sweating. I called my friends in NY; there was no one available to help.
When I called Dr. Xiao, he agreed to help without any hesitation. I couldn&
acirc;#8482;t imagine how my brother would feel if no one showed up to
pick him up at the airport. I went to Xiaoâ#8482;s home at 9pm to
collect my brother. My brother always appreciated Dr. Xiaoâ#8482;s
kind help for his first arrival in the United States. Xiao said it is too
trivial to mention it, and that you would do the same if you were me. When
we had moved from University of Pennsylvania to New York in 1995, we
contacted each other more often.
In the new year of 1997 my wife and I invited Dr. Xiao to a restaurant; we
tried to persuade him to stay in the US to pursue Surgical Urology. He said
he is going to have a big grant from NIH for another five years. He would
continue to do research here. In the meantime he would also return to china,
because there were many paralyzed patients in China from coal mine
collapses needed him. He could have had a US citizenship very easily,
however he didnâ#8482;t want it. He stated after he finished this
five year grant, he would return to china permanently.
Gradually he spent more and more time in China than here at NYU until
finally he symbolically traveled to NYU twice a year. He was invited to give
lectures all over the world to tell urologists and neurosurgeons about this
procedure he invented; so that they may help more people worldwide. Unlike
Fangâ#8482;s claim that Dr. Xiaoâ#8482;s procedure had a 73%
failure rate, Dr. Xiaoâ#8482;s revolutionary surgical procedure can
be successfully reproduced all over the world, from United States to Chile
and Argentina.
However Mr. Fang started to claim that Dr. Xiao was a full time professor at
NYU, therefore not qualified to apply for member/fellow of Chinese Medical
Academy. Besides that he claimed that Dr. Xiaoâ#8482;s procedure was
not medically sound. Mr. Fang also tried to undermine Dr. Xiaoâ#
8482;s professional and academic contributions.
Dr. Xiao sued Fang in Wuhan, China for Libel/slander and won that case. Mr.
Fang claimed that Xiao had won the case because that it was Xiaoâ#
8482;s home City. Dr. Xiao then sued Fang in his home city which was Beijing
. But Fang claimed and the Beijing Court agreed that he is a permanent
resident of the US, and that Chinese law did not apply to him, although he
lived in Beijing all year round. Dr. Xiao then sued Mr. Fang in the United
States. But when the summons was delivered to Fangâ#8482;s Address
in California, there was no such person living there at all. Because Dr.
Xiao exhausted all the legal ways that he may counter Mr. Fang with no
success. Mr. Fang attacked Dr. Xiao even more aggressively in any
opportunity he had without any fear of reprimand.
Please note it is illegal, immoral, and unethical for someone with bad faith
to instigate patients or make fake stories to sue Dr. Xiao. However, no
matter how aggressive and dirty Mr. Fang treated Dr. Xiao, Dr. Xiao should
tolerate and tolerate again. We condemn all kinds of violence no matter who
did it. Our world is not perfect. We have people with personal interest, who
intentionally attack Dr. Xiao with bad faith.
Now Mr. Fang has won, and Dr. Xiao is in police custody. It is a tragedy for
Dr. Xiao and a tragedy for the world. The world will lose one of the
greatest doctors. Do you think Mr. Fang bad faith slander and Beijing Courts
unjust are responsible for this?
Dr. Xiao is a great doctor, who not only belongs to China, but also to the
whole world. He travels around the world to teach other urologists and
neurosurgeons the method he invented to help paralyzed patients gai
1 (共1页)
[合集] 如果我共能把中亚5国并入中国版图温家宝翻译张璐翻译的和报纸上说的完全不一样吗?
胜利者的号角:看郝新2010Science雄文的春秋笔法[合集] 美国医生又来电,可证明化验的铊就是清华的
话题: xiao话题: dr话题: fang话题: he话题: mr