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发信人: powerforward (今天你敏感詞了沒有), 信区: Military
标 题: TG展示力量:上海取消聖帕節遊行
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 3 22:20:59 2011, 美东)
China Tightens Controls on Foreign Press
Shiho Fukada for The New York Times
A police officer, left, filmed a foreign journalist as street cleaners swept
water to keep passersby moving and a plain clothes officer, right, watched
pedestrians on Sunday along Wangfujing Street in Beijing, where a protest
had been called.
Published: March 3, 2011
BEIJING — Apparently unnerved by an anonymous Internet campaign urging
Chinese citizens to emulate the protests that have rocked the Middle East,
Chinese authorities this week have begun a forceful and carefully focused
clampdown on activities by foreigners that the government deems threatening
to political stability.
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Public security officials have summoned dozens of foreign journalists in
Beijing and Shanghai to be dressed down on videotape, warning them that they
had broken reporting regulations by visiting locations that had been
selected as protest sites in Internet postings. Journalists were bluntly
warned that they faced the loss of their visas, revocation of their
credentials and expulsion if they did not abide by new limits on their
ability to interview and photograph Chinese citizens, the Foreign
Correspondents’ Club of China said in a statement.
In Shanghai, the authorities objected to the location of an annual St.
Patrick’s Day parade set for March 12 that had been expected to draw more
than 2,000 people, prompting Irish organizations to abruptly cancel the
event on Monday. The parade was to have taken place on a major street close
to a cinema where the Internet postings had urged people to gather every
Sunday to show their displeasure with the Chinese government.
Western diplomats in China said other events that had been planned by
foreigners, or with their help, had also been abruptly canceled. “We’ve
noticed that a somewhat larger number of our cultural and educational
programs around China are being postponed or canceled, but we haven’t been
notified by Chinese authorities of any specific reason,” said one diplomat,
who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Separately, Beijing officials announced Wednesday that they intended to
monitor the movements of millions of residents by means of information
transmitted by their cellphones. One official was quoted on a government Web
site as saying that the new program would provide “real-time information
about a user’s activity.”
The project aims to monitor all Beijing residents who use cellphones —
about 20 million people — to detect unusually large gatherings. One
official said the primary use would be to detect and ease traffic and subway
congestion. But Chinese media reports said government officials could use
the data to detect and prevent protests.
The government’s actions this week are the latest in a long and steady
process of restricting speech and assembly freedoms that appears to have
gained speed after antigovernment protests flared in Tibet in March 2008 and
in the western region of Xinjiang in 2009.
The limitations also follow two weeks of unusually harsh treatment of
political activists, possibly also inspired by fear that the upheaval in the
Middle East could spread to China.
Four prominent lawyers involved in rights issues have disappeared after
being seized by the police, at least 100 activists have been detained and an
unusually large number of activists have been charged with crimes,
including some that could draw life sentences with a conviction, said
Nicholas Bequelin, a researcher in Hong Kong with Human Rights Watch.
Criminal charges were not a hallmark of the last major crackdown on
activists, in December, when the imprisoned democracy advocate Liu Xiaobo
was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Mr. Bequelin said.
“That is an escalation,” he said. “You have one case or a couple of cases
, well, that happens. But now, we have quite a few.”
Victor Shih, a China specialist and political science professor at
Northwestern University, said Chinese authorities were systematically
carrying out lessons they had learned from the collapse of authoritarian
governments in Eastern Europe.
“Once there’s a sizable demonstration, it becomes costlier to control, so
why let it happen in the first place?” he said in an interview in Beijing
on Thursday. “Because they have a lot of resources, they are able to pour a
lot of money into making sure that, at least in Beijing, nothing happens.”
No protests of any note have taken place in China since calls for Middle
East-style demonstrations were first published on an American Web site two
months ago. But last Friday, public security officials, without mentioning
the possibility of weekend protests, summoned some foreign correspondents in
Beijing, reminding them to abide by unspecified reporting rules.
Some who tried Sunday to look into vague, Internet-based calls for protests
paid a price. In Beijing, plainclothes officers dragged reporters and
photographers into alleys or shops and erased images from their cameras.
Three journalists were injured, including a Bloomberg News videographer who
was kicked and beaten, according to the correspondents’ association.
This week, public security officials warned reporters from The New York
Times, The Associated Press, Agence France-Presse and numerous other foreign
news organizations that they had violated regulations by appearing at
possible protest sites and that further infractions would not be tolerated.
At Thursday’s regular news conference at the Foreign Ministry, Jiang Yu, a
spokeswoman, suggested that some reporters were trying to stir up unrest,
not report on it. “Law-abiding people will be protected by the law,” she
said. “But people who are trying to create trouble in China, I can tell
them that they have made the wrong plans.”
“Some people are eager to join the fray,” she continued. “For people with
that kind of motive, no law can protect them.”
She insisted that a decree signed by Prime Minister Wen Jiabao in October
2008, allowing foreign journalists to conduct interviews and travel within
China without first obtaining government permission, remained in force. “
There is no change,” she insisted. “There is no step back.”
But Ms. Jiang also made it clear that journalists should check first with
the authorities before visiting places where many people gathered, lest they
disrupt order and traffic. The need to get government permission depends “
on the local law-and-order situation in that particular spot and the
judgment of police,” she said.
New regulations posted on a Beijing government Web site strictly forbid
journalists to report at the Wangfujing pedestrian mall, where anonymous
organizers had called for Sunday gatherings outside a McDonald’s restaurant.
The regulations also bar beggars, fortunetellers, gamblers and “running
dogs and other animals” from frequenting the area. Journalists in Shanghai
have been warned against reporting from an area near the Peace Cinema,
adjacent to People’s Square, where the Internet postings have urged
protesters to gather.
Conor O’Riordan, the Irish consul general in Shanghai, said concerns about
the St. Patrick’s Day parade percolated for about a month and came to a
boil on Monday. He said Chinese officials were willing to allow it to
proceed if organizers found a “more modest” route. The chosen street,
Nanjing Donglu, is part of the area journalists have been warned away from.
Unable to change locations so quickly, organizers on Monday canceled the
event, Mr. O’Riordan said. Instead, a volunteer-run organization will hold
an invitation-only, indoor celebration.
Michael Wines contributed reporting. Li Bibo, Zhang Jing and Jonathan Kaiman
contributed research.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: March 3, 2011
An earlier version of this article misstated the surname of the spokeswoman
for the Chinese Forein Ministry. She is Ms. Jiang, not Ms. Yu.
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孤陋寡闻了,上海什么时候开始有st. patrick's day parade的?
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: 孤陋寡闻了,上海什么时候开始有st. patrick's day parade的?
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国内名记曝光孙杨一家素质低下。 (转载)Didn't get the joke
好期待明天的新闻发布会啊,不会又是谎言造谣吧求助: 无辜被诉, 该怎样应诉
注意了!信基督教的配偶更容易出轨 (转载)收到那个summons for jury service
收到Who's Who 的邀请,怎么办?英文好的给解释一下
大家知道Jose这个名字怎么读吗?Joe Wong我瞄了几眼,那什么乱七八糟的笑话
话题: china话题: beijing话题: chinese话题: said话题: foreign