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WaterWorld版 - 又是女杀男,有木有完?有木有完!!!!
拍案惊奇!牧师杀害妻子竟然是为了要和男朋友结婚!!! (转载)what's wrong with German young prosecutors?
合肥中院的版本和王立军的版本对照 (转载)[咨询]收到这样的speeding ticket,我应该选择哪个罚款呢? (转载)
大家骂外F干啥? 大多都谦逊的不行牧师认罪:盗用近一百万美元!
拿美国的工资在亚洲工作英文叫什么?没人关注了? George Zimmerman has been charged with second-d (转载)
英文版wiki里面孙铊的信息还在哦Boston的沙比用非法持有的枪朝他女友射击 (转载)
在instagram发了性感照片,男友要求我全部清空九十多万美元花差花差 (转载)
话题: kissel话题: her话题: ms话题: kong话题: hong
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 584
HONG KONG—A jury here found American expatriate Nancy Kissel guilty of
murdering her investment-banker
husband in 2003 after a court overturned an earlier conviction for the
gruesome high-profile crime.
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See a timeline of events.
Full Coverage: The Nancy Kissel Case
Ms. Kissel was given a retrial when Hong Kong's highest court in February
2010 threw out her 2005 murder conviction
and sentence of life in prison, citing procedural flaws in the original
At the start of the retrial Jan. 11, Ms. Kissel pleaded guilty to
manslaughter and not guilty to murder. Her attorneys
argued that although she admitted to killing her husband, she did so while
suffering from a major depressive disorder
that diminished her responsibility for her actions.
Prosecutors charged the 46-year-old Ms. Kissel with killing her husband in
cold blood, saying she drugged him with a
sedative-laced milkshake before bludgeoning him to death with a heavy lead
ornament. She engaged in a "cleanup and
disposal operation," prosecutors said, rolling the body up in a carpet and
hiring movers to stow the bundle in a storage
room near the couple's apartment on the southern end of Hong Kong island.
The case became a grim sensation for the peek it offered into the lives a
wealthy, elite expat couple who many testified
appeared to be the picture of a perfect marriage.
The jury of seven women and two men returned a verdict after 47 days of
trial and 10 1/2 hours of deliberation.
1 (共1页)
九十多万美元花差花差 (转载)英文版wiki里面孙铊的信息还在哦
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Chinese travel to U.S. to give birth for citizenship在instagram发了性感照片,男友要求我全部清空
拍案惊奇!牧师杀害妻子竟然是为了要和男朋友结婚!!! (转载)what's wrong with German young prosecutors?
合肥中院的版本和王立军的版本对照 (转载)[咨询]收到这样的speeding ticket,我应该选择哪个罚款呢? (转载)
大家骂外F干啥? 大多都谦逊的不行牧师认罪:盗用近一百万美元!
拿美国的工资在亚洲工作英文叫什么?没人关注了? George Zimmerman has been charged with second-d (转载)
话题: kissel话题: her话题: ms话题: kong话题: hong