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Windows版 - How to Enable Dual Processor in XP Pro
xp professional memory issueRe: Help: can't enable DMA in WinXP home.
cpu and coreRe: win2k under multiprocessor
救命啊,电脑这几天奇慢。 (转载)双启动WinXP选项没了
问个slat的问题AMD 64位可以装32位WinXP么
Re: Q: how to run windows in ACPI mode?[合集] windows messenger service求助
[转载] compaq真tnnd弱智!在美国哪个品牌的笔记本性价比比较好?
****紧急求助WINXP****请问免费下载的WINDOWS SERVER 2008 是32bit还是64bit
X60/T60的SATA硬盘如何安装xp!(转自51bbnet)加快vista/windows 7的开机速度
话题: processor话题: pro话题: enable话题: dual话题: xp
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1985
I just added another processor to the computer running winXP Pro. The device
manager states there are two processors. However, the system variable still
states 1 processor and the windows task manager shows only one processor.
What is the quickest way to enable dual processor?
发帖数: 116
The idea is to update the acpi driver to ACPI MultiProc driver.
The following link is for win2k, see if it works for winXP:
If the method in previous link does not work, startup with windows xp cd to
do a repair installtion, and "When you see: 'Press F6 if you need to install
a third-party SCSI or RAID driver', instead - Using F5 during Installation
to make HAL choices. "Then u will see. (I know the idea is like this, but I
cannot r

【在 v********e 的大作中提到】
: I just added another processor to the computer running winXP Pro. The device
: manager states there are two processors. However, the system variable still
: states 1 processor and the windows task manager shows only one processor.
: What is the quickest way to enable dual processor?

1 (共1页)
加快vista/windows 7的开机速度Re: Q: how to run windows in ACPI mode?
64 bit 机器 和 64 os[转载] compaq真tnnd弱智!
请帮选个电脑 都是bestbuy的 谢谢X60/T60的SATA硬盘如何安装xp!(转自51bbnet)
xp professional memory issueRe: Help: can't enable DMA in WinXP home.
cpu and coreRe: win2k under multiprocessor
救命啊,电脑这几天奇慢。 (转载)双启动WinXP选项没了
问个slat的问题AMD 64位可以装32位WinXP么
话题: processor话题: pro话题: enable话题: dual话题: xp