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Working版 - Re: how much to expect?
和老板的难题Re: 上AT&T当了。
怎么对付这种嚣张的人Re: [转载] 关于H-1B紧急求教!
[转载] 老板不希望我回国Re: Q for H1 - Not yet finish Thesis
有没有人知道Boise, ID这个地方怎么样?GMAT Re: sigh, hate to go to work every
[合集] Update: 紧急求助:LP快失业了!被雷,请教申请失业保险
请问vesting schedule是什么我们有 openings (转载)
请问target bonus是什么意思?Can TN claim UI
话题: expect话题: actually话题: much话题: some话题: finished
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 205
I know your meaning, Actually someone asked where can they
find the reference, Actually I have serveral copies of
Recommendation letters from Chinese, and I finished some
internet website, so it is very easy to check my working
experience. Maybe there is no difficult to me about that. I
agree your opnion:
the most importance is that you must improve your
communication skills here if you want to survive. Some
Indian here just boast everyday and never finished sth, and
he always got good impressio
发帖数: 208

It seems to me that boss is not good on the other side. If that
dept is shut down, who can get a new offer? One of my colleague
who is very smart and hardworking got a new offer after 3 rounds
interview with lots of tough questions, and I donot think
boasting will work in this downturn.

【在 k*****j 的大作中提到】
: I know your meaning, Actually someone asked where can they
: find the reference, Actually I have serveral copies of
: Recommendation letters from Chinese, and I finished some
: internet website, so it is very easy to check my working
: experience. Maybe there is no difficult to me about that. I
: agree your opnion:
: the most importance is that you must improve your
: communication skills here if you want to survive. Some
: Indian here just boast everyday and never finished sth, and
: he always got good impressio

发帖数: 4
I don't think so. My experience is in China, but it
really works! I have no degree in US.
1 (共1页)
Can TN claim UI[合集] Update: 紧急求助:LP快失业了!
请教sql server的一个select..into问题这样的工作算什么?
Opening: Junior system administrator请问vesting schedule是什么
拿到一个带条件的offer,俺下一步该走哪条路?请问target bonus是什么意思?
和老板的难题Re: 上AT&T当了。
怎么对付这种嚣张的人Re: [转载] 关于H-1B紧急求教!
[转载] 老板不希望我回国Re: Q for H1 - Not yet finish Thesis
有没有人知道Boise, ID这个地方怎么样?GMAT Re: sigh, hate to go to work every
话题: expect话题: actually话题: much话题: some话题: finished