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Working版 - [转载] CP/AoS expenses might not be tax deductible
Re: 请问loggie换工作搬家后的报税问题
[转载] Re: 申请Working版BF请问network/software engineer的工作有推荐吗?
[转载] Re: apply for working board BF请问network/software engineer的工作有推荐吗? (转载)
请问relocation fee的问题?Re: 请问network/software engineer的工作有推荐吗? (转载)
The living expense of major US cities要不要报Dependent Care FSA? (转载)
Re: Pros/cons of working/living in DC vs NY?H1B给以前的公司做consultant可开公司收钱么?
Re: [转载] Tax on the relocation.a retained earnings/prepaid tax question
Re: 为什么大家都赚那么多钱?包子求教一个关于FSA的问题
话题: expenses话题: my话题: cp话题: aos话题: deductible
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 476
【 以下文字转载自 Immigration 讨论区 】
【 原文由 loggie 所发表 】
per this discussion thread,
http://www.immigrationportal.com/[email protected]^[email protected]
quote "
Your Question Was:
In order to continue my job with my current employer, I went to my
native country in 2001 to get my permanent visa . All the expenses in that
trip including airfare, consulate fees and misc. were borne by me. MY
employer did not reimbursed me any amount for those expenses. Am i
eligible to duduct those expenses from my income a
1 (共1页)
包子求教一个关于FSA的问题The living expense of major US cities
大家的offer里的benifit pakage都有什么呀。Re: Pros/cons of working/living in DC vs NY?
公司送我去training,路费该找公司报销吗?Re: [转载] Tax on the relocation.
Medicaid Expension ( Health Care Reform ) for the well-off?Re: 为什么大家都赚那么多钱?
Re: 请问loggie换工作搬家后的报税问题
[转载] Re: 申请Working版BF请问network/software engineer的工作有推荐吗?
[转载] Re: apply for working board BF请问network/software engineer的工作有推荐吗? (转载)
请问relocation fee的问题?Re: 请问network/software engineer的工作有推荐吗? (转载)
话题: expenses话题: my话题: cp话题: aos话题: deductible