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Working版 - 北卡RTP的就业前景如何?
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真心求referral: NetApp 和 SASopt工作被收了soc sec tax如何要回来
请各位大牛帮忙一下计算机选校问题Offer 有了, 请教一个问题
Re: Job Change-Help老板找谈话 要求主动递交辞呈,没有补偿怎么办 期限是两个月
Re: Crying help !!!急问关于h1-h4
求救:公司payroll tax service外包,如何申请PERM? (转载)OPT和H1-B的gap问题,紧急求助!!!
急问: 公司最后一张paycheck可以用公司check来支付么? (转载)问个intership配钱的问题
话题: said话题: rate话题: carolina话题: north
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 86
发帖数: 1089
发帖数: 3310
NC unemployment rate hits 10.4 percent -- highest in 14 months
Posted: September 16
North Carolina’s unemployment rate increased to 10.4 percent in August, the
highest rate in more than a year.
The state Employment Service Commission reported Friday that the number of
non-farm jobs increased by 16,500, but the ranks of the unemployed grew by
11,747, to 468,140.
The jobless rate is the highest since 10.5 percent in June 2010. The rate in
July was 10.1 percent.
Nationally, unemployment stands at 9.1 percent, and the August figures mark
the first time North Carolina's jobless rate is more than a percentage point
above the nationwide rate.
Political parties were quick to blame each other for the rising unemployment
"North Carolina Democrats, such as Gov. Perdue, have refused to take public
stances or action on key issues related to economic expansion in the state,"
the state Republican Party said in a statement.
"This increase in unemployment is a direct result of the job-killing
Republican budget that took effect in June," state Democratic Party Chairman
David Parker said in a statement, adding that Republicans promised in June
that the job market would improve by September.
Most of the net job increase came in the government sector at 13,600, as
many school districts opened for a new academic year.
“We are seeing gains in employment,” ESC spokesman Larry Parker said. “
They are not large gains, but we have added more than 31,000 jobs since
The growth in government payrolls came despite state budget cuts that took
effect in July.
Parker said the surge in government payrolls was “similar but somewhat
smaller” than in the past. Overall, government payrolls are down 15,000
from August of last year.
The size of the state’s labor force also decreased by nearly 2,700, as more
people dropped out of the work force and were no longer seeking employment.
Based on a household survey that counts self-employed and other workers, the
number of people holding jobs fell to 4.03 million from 4.045 million in
The private sector areas hiring the most in North Carolina last month were
professional and business services and education and health services.
"Companies are hiring," said Rod Frankel, who owns a staffing company in
Raleigh. "It is very difficult to compare the state unemployment numbers
with what's going on here (in the Triangle). It's said over and over again
that we live in a bubble, that we live in a vacuum, but it's entirely true."
Frankel said companies had been hiring temporary workers, but in the last
six months, he's seen the number of direct hires increase.
"I think companies are now willing to spend some of that cash they may have
been sitting on," he said.
Chas Scarantino, who co-founded Magnus Health, a software company that
offers a web-based program to schools so they can manage students' medical
records, said he has hired four employees in the past three weeks,
increasing his staff by more than 25 percent.
"It's an exciting time for us," Scarantino said, noting that the company has
grown from its first sale in February 2009 to now working with 900 schools.
The non-farm payroll number is based on a separate survey of businesses.
That survey showed an increase of just under 3,000 jobs and a jump of 16,500
in the total non-farm workforce, to 3.88 million.
Reporters: Bruce Mildwurf, Rick Smith
Photographer: Edward Wilson
Web Editor: Matthew Burns
Copyright 2011 by Capitol Broadcasting Company. All rights reserved. This
material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
发帖数: 86
Not a good sign. But how about IT sector?
发帖数: 315
个人感觉 RTP 这个地方有发展,但规模还很小。 很多公司是搞生物的。IT 并不凶猛
。 不过这个地方买个房子投资挺好,过10到20年应该会升值。就现在而言,差SEATTLE
发帖数: 26368


【在 c*****m 的大作中提到】
: 个人感觉 RTP 这个地方有发展,但规模还很小。 很多公司是搞生物的。IT 并不凶猛
: 。 不过这个地方买个房子投资挺好,过10到20年应该会升值。就现在而言,差SEATTLE
: 不是半条街。

1 (共1页)
问个intership配钱的问题Re: Job Change-Help
怎么和HR谈工资?失业保险应该停领还是不Claim就行了?Re: Crying help !!!
H1b转F1什么时候停止工作?求救:公司payroll tax service外包,如何申请PERM? (转载)
h1b 身份可以干其他consulting活吗?急问: 公司最后一张paycheck可以用公司check来支付么? (转载)
Discover 信用卡送$75+$60 限时 Chase信用卡送350刀[合集] 怀孕被雷,急问!
真心求referral: NetApp 和 SASopt工作被收了soc sec tax如何要回来
请各位大牛帮忙一下计算机选校问题Offer 有了, 请教一个问题
话题: said话题: rate话题: carolina话题: north