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Huawei USA hiring Systems Architects. (转载)IT Architect们看过来先
老板在工作上持续加压,如何处理?My Salary history and what's next?
一个工作机会 (转载)Re: got promoted. Happy!
member of technical staff是什么类型的职位? (转载)想考个Sun Certified Enterprise Architect 有用么? (转载)
软件公司system engineer 的职位如何Re: 请问一个公司: synergy information solutions (转载)
Sun Certified Java Architect -- i2佚事(五)东海岸的CS
career path大家工作的想换工作的话是先暗地里找还是跟公司说明啊
Re: 挖个坑:如何规划职业生涯?[Hiring] Systems Operations Architect (Seattle) (转载)
话题: media话题: xxx话题: mts话题: video
1 (共1页)
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1 Audience and Purpose
This document is to define the requirements of Media Transcoding Service (
also called MTS). It will also attempt to cover system overview, high level
use cases and system call flow. For the first iteration of the document the
focus will be on definition of requirement.
The primary audiences for this requirement documents are architects and
engineers working on Xxx® Architecture based solution for media
2 Introduction
The purpose of the Media Transcoding Service is to demonstrate media
transcode capabilities of Xxx processors from Web. The MTS provides a web
portal for end user uploading video clips into media transcoder for fast
transcoding, live video streaming and transcoding over RTSP or HTTP. It also
services as web demo dash board to show case the typical use case which Xxx
Graphics (also called Gen, HD Graphics, GPU) and software can support,
including broadcast video, video conferencing, VOD, etc. Besides this, the
MTS will be used as a benchmark tool to collect the performance data about
the graphics software.
1 (共1页)
[Hiring] Systems Operations Architect (Seattle) (转载)软件公司system engineer 的职位如何
终于加入失业大军了,经历及请大家给点建议-有点啰嗦 Sun Certified Java Architect -- i2佚事(五)
问5年的goal这种问题怎么答? (转载)career path
Job opening: Principal FPGA ArchitectRe: 挖个坑:如何规划职业生涯?
Huawei USA hiring Systems Architects. (转载)IT Architect们看过来先
老板在工作上持续加压,如何处理?My Salary history and what's next?
一个工作机会 (转载)Re: got promoted. Happy!
member of technical staff是什么类型的职位? (转载)想考个Sun Certified Enterprise Architect 有用么? (转载)
话题: media话题: xxx话题: mts话题: video