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WorldNews版 - 巴马和达赖谈了45分钟zz
【清晰视频】 纪录片:"The Dalai Lama"达赖要垂帘听政啦
不懂了, 为啥那么多藏民家挂国旗美国民族独立运动研究大纲 (转载)
达赖喇嘛圣旨到Dalai Lama expresses displeasure over impriso (转载)第二佛蒙特共和国国旗及官网 (转载)
Why does the West love the Dalai Lama虾蟹处女作: 朝鲜--命运的主人 (一)
Dalai Lama pleased with Obama meeting (转载)澳媒:中国黑客黑了澳大利亚电影节网站
Dalai Lama: CIA Monk Exposed慈善机构
印度警方突袭达兰萨拉调查大宝法王这话幽默 美财长:两国仍要“风雨同舟”
话题: tibet话题: china话题: house话题: lama话题: dalai
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3978
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: Military
标 题: 巴马和达赖谈了45分钟
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 16 17:20:05 2011, 美东)
(CNN) -- President Barack Obama met with the Dalai Lama on Saturday,
commending the Tibetan spiritual leader on his commitment to nonviolence and
pursuit of the "Middle Way" approach with China, the White House said in a
During the closed-door visit at the White House, Obama stressed the U.S.
policy that "Tibet is a part of the People's Republic of China and the
United States does not support independence for Tibet," the White House said.
In the nearly 45-minute meeting, the president voiced support for "direct
dialogue" between China and Tibet as a way to peace, the statement said.
"The Dalai Lama stated that he is not seeking independence for Tibet and
hopes that dialogue between his representatives and the Chinese government
can soon resume," the White House said.
American support of the Dalai Lama has long been a subject of contention in
U.S.-China relations. Chinese officials view the religious leader as a
separatist and Tibet as a breakaway province.
The issue of Tibet is one that "involves China's sovereignty and territorial
integrity," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei said in a statement
released before the meeting. "We oppose foreign leaders meeting with the
Dalai Lama in any format."
Along with asking Obama not to meet with the exiled spiritual leader, the
foreign ministry statement went on to warn the president to "stop
interfering with China's internal affairs and damaging Sino-U.S. relations."
The president last met with his fellow Nobel Peace laureate in February 2010
1 (共1页)
这话幽默 美财长:两国仍要“风雨同舟”Why does the West love the Dalai Lama
美媒:中国外逃贪官卷款八千亿 最爱美国(图)zzDalai Lama pleased with Obama meeting (转载)
[通知] WorldNews 举办投票: mitbbs2008十大事件Dalai Lama: CIA Monk Exposed
[公告] WorldNews 版的投票结果印度警方突袭达兰萨拉调查大宝法王
【清晰视频】 纪录片:"The Dalai Lama"达赖要垂帘听政啦
不懂了, 为啥那么多藏民家挂国旗美国民族独立运动研究大纲 (转载)
达赖喇嘛圣旨到Dalai Lama expresses displeasure over impriso (转载)第二佛蒙特共和国国旗及官网 (转载)
话题: tibet话题: china话题: house话题: lama话题: dalai