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WorldNews版 - 媒体立即转向,授予文迪"虎妻"称号zz
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媒体立即转向,授予文迪"虎妻"称号 (转载)
话题: murdoch话题: attacker话题: rupert话题: wendi话题: her
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3096
发信人: laodou (别拿豆包不当干粮), 信区: Military
标 题: 媒体立即转向,授予文迪"虎妻"称号
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 19 14:39:16 2011, 美东)
Will the foam pie incident change everything?
More than anything Rupert Murdoch or his son James said before the
Parliamentary panel on Tuesday, it may be the attack on Murdoch—and his
wife literally leaping to his defense—that changes public opinion about the
scandal that has led to the closing of The News of the World and the
resignations of top News Corp [NWSA 15.7511 0.7861 ( 5.25%) ]
A man who had sat through the long, and often boring, testimony approached
the 80-year-old Murdoch toward the end of the hearing, swore at him, and
attempted to strike him with a pie plate filled with foam.
“You naughty billionaire,” the attacker supposedly said.
Current DateTime: 10:50:21 19 Jul 2011
LinksList Documentid: 43811798
Rupert Murdoch: 'This Is the Most Humble Day of My Life'
Former Murdoch Aide Rebekah Brooks Arrested
Everyone nearby jumped to their feet in a flash. But Murdoch’s wife Wendi
leapt over others between her and her husband’s attacker, returning the
attack with her own slap. She reportedly then picked up the plate and tried
to strike the attacker. Then, as others grappled with the attacker, she
moved back to see to her husband.
It was all over in less than a minute. But those moments most likely swayed
the sympathies for a few viewers toward the Murdochs.
Almost instantly, people were referring to her as “Tiger Wife,” a play on
the title of Amy Chua’s book, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother," which
argues for the superiority of Chinese-style parenting over soft, Western
I know I felt nothing but admiration for the love between Wendi and Rupert.
They aren’t ultra-wealthy media moguls. They certainly aren’t the evil-
doers that many of their enemies have portrayed. They are a couple with a
fierce loyalty between them. And Wendi, well, who wouldn’t want someone
with those instincts on your side?
Murdoch came into the hearing looking to many like a potential villain. And
now he leaves beside a wife who looks positively heroic.
You’d have to have a hard place where your heart should be not to be
cheering for the Murdochs a bit right now.
1 (共1页)
媒体立即转向,授予文迪"虎妻"称号 (转载)
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Rumor: Wendy Deng 原来跟Tony Blair 搞上了ZT
Rumor: Wendy Deng 原来跟Tony Blair 搞上了ZT (转载)
话题: murdoch话题: attacker话题: rupert话题: wendi话题: her