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XJTU版 - suan
Re: missing Jiaoda's Video据兵马俑消息,交大进了211第4位
XJTU president will come USA交大博士毕业“门槛”之争
都不说话还是真没人, 还是觉得没意思.真的假的?
Hellothe new President of Xi'an jiaoda at DC (ZZ)
最近交大发生了很多事情哦太好看,太亲切啦!Re: 搞到流尽岁月了
Re: I begun to love Jiaoda after I had left it Re: 你对交大印象最深紧急求助
Re: Anyone back to Jiaoda recently?Re: 一次不愉快的“枪手”经历—what is wrong with Sih
话题: watch话题: suan话题: dao话题: tv话题: now
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 23
i finally got cable at home, now, i could watch world cup le,
hehe, the thing no suan is that when i was in jiaoda, i had
to stay up very late or got up very early to watch it, now
i have to do the same thing, ft, although it is held in Asia:((
burro, you are prepared to watch it??
发帖数: 3965
wo ft
u have TV?
if i want to watch WC at home, i need to buy a TV-card for my laptop
so expensive,130$ a, ft, i only have 10$ now, also i need to registe for
SCV, sososo exp ,will burn a big big big hole of my pocket

【在 n***i 的大作中提到】
: i finally got cable at home, now, i could watch world cup le,
: hehe, the thing no suan is that when i was in jiaoda, i had
: to stay up very late or got up very early to watch it, now
: i have to do the same thing, ft, although it is held in Asia:((
: burro, you are prepared to watch it??

发帖数: 23
the money for a TV is really peanuts here, only 150 dao for a brand new one,
only 30 dao for a second-hand one, i have a 35 dao one,hehe, 21 inches,
cable will cost you about 20 dao per month, not too much too, we just had a
rent increase, but it is not all that bad, coz the cable fee is included in
hehe, i have ESPN , i could watch every game if only i can get up:)_)

【在 EA 的大作中提到】
: wo ft
: u have TV?
: if i want to watch WC at home, i need to buy a TV-card for my laptop
: so expensive,130$ a, ft, i only have 10$ now, also i need to registe for
: SCV, sososo exp ,will burn a big big big hole of my pocket

1 (共1页)
Re: 一次不愉快的“枪手”经历—what is wrong with SihHello
Looking for my Classmates and roomates最近交大发生了很多事情哦
MLK vs. Zhao ZiyangRe: I begun to love Jiaoda after I had left it Re: 你对交大印象最深
关于世界和平致全世界人民的一封信Re: Anyone back to Jiaoda recently?
Re: missing Jiaoda's Video据兵马俑消息,交大进了211第4位
XJTU president will come USA交大博士毕业“门槛”之争
都不说话还是真没人, 还是觉得没意思.真的假的?
话题: watch话题: suan话题: dao话题: tv话题: now