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XJTU版 - MLK vs. Zhao Ziyang
交大应不应该合并?Re: Anyone back to Jiaoda recently?
Re: missing Jiaoda's Video终于遇到了交大的一个牛人了
XJTU president will come USA据兵马俑消息,交大进了211第4位
都不说话还是真没人, 还是觉得没意思.交大博士毕业“门槛”之争
最近交大发生了很多事情哦the new President of Xi'an jiaoda at DC (ZZ)
suan太好看,太亲切啦!Re: 搞到流尽岁月了
Re: I begun to love Jiaoda after I had left it Re: 你对交大印象最深紧急求助
话题: ziyang话题: mlk话题: zhao话题: chinese话题: hope
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2567
I didn't realize it's MLK's day today until I saw there were few cars in the
school's parking lots. I hope everyone is enjoying his holiday somewhere.
I heard Zhao Ziyang died yesterday Beijing time. I was a freshman at Jiaoda in
1989 and of course went on streets a couple of times.It was quite an
It came to me just as I'm typing this that they both made their marks on human
history for the almost same cause yet with very different outcome.
As time goes by, let's hope that Zhong Guo
发帖数: 2109

【在 d*******l 的大作中提到】
: I didn't realize it's MLK's day today until I saw there were few cars in the
: school's parking lots. I hope everyone is enjoying his holiday somewhere.
: I heard Zhao Ziyang died yesterday Beijing time. I was a freshman at Jiaoda in
: 1989 and of course went on streets a couple of times.It was quite an
: experience.
: It came to me just as I'm typing this that they both made their marks on human
: history for the almost same cause yet with very different outcome.
: As time goes by, let's hope that Zhong Guo

发帖数: 2567
Being an engineer, I'm certainly not equipped with the best skill set for
political issues. To my observation, Chinese in the US as an ethic group,
has a quite long way to go in terms of political influence in this nation
compared to what African Americans have achieved, Collin Powell, Rice,
Jessy Jackson...just to name a few. Most of chinese people I met, however,
do not consider politics is important. Nor do they think we chinese should
look up to the black. The fact that there has never been

【在 d*******l 的大作中提到】
: I didn't realize it's MLK's day today until I saw there were few cars in the
: school's parking lots. I hope everyone is enjoying his holiday somewhere.
: I heard Zhao Ziyang died yesterday Beijing time. I was a freshman at Jiaoda in
: 1989 and of course went on streets a couple of times.It was quite an
: experience.
: It came to me just as I'm typing this that they both made their marks on human
: history for the almost same cause yet with very different outcome.
: As time goes by, let's hope that Zhong Guo

发帖数: 30533
Yeah, you are definately right.
Till now I am still totally preferring economical benefits over political
benifits. I haven't been insterested in politics ever since I was born.
Always fought for a "PASS" in high school politics tests. I still only
watch CNN 1 hour per month. Never read newspapers other than on sports
Maybe I should think about this later. But as for now, financial pressure
always drives me to think about incomes in the first place. :(
Probably many Chinese think in th

【在 d*******l 的大作中提到】
: Being an engineer, I'm certainly not equipped with the best skill set for
: political issues. To my observation, Chinese in the US as an ethic group,
: has a quite long way to go in terms of political influence in this nation
: compared to what African Americans have achieved, Collin Powell, Rice,
: Jessy Jackson...just to name a few. Most of chinese people I met, however,
: do not consider politics is important. Nor do they think we chinese should
: look up to the black. The fact that there has never been

发帖数: 30533

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My officemate told me she is a Korean?

【在 d*******l 的大作中提到】
: Being an engineer, I'm certainly not equipped with the best skill set for
: political issues. To my observation, Chinese in the US as an ethic group,
: has a quite long way to go in terms of political influence in this nation
: compared to what African Americans have achieved, Collin Powell, Rice,
: Jessy Jackson...just to name a few. Most of chinese people I met, however,
: do not consider politics is important. Nor do they think we chinese should
: look up to the black. The fact that there has never been

发帖数: 2567
Connie Chung was born in the US and her parents were from Taiwan--earlier from
Mainland China. Her father was with Taiwan Air Force,I believe.


【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My officemate told me she is a Korean?

1 (共1页)
Re: 一次不愉快的“枪手”经历—what is wrong with Sih最近交大发生了很多事情哦
Looking for my Classmates and roomatessuan
脑筋急转弯之三Re: I begun to love Jiaoda after I had left it Re: 你对交大印象最深
交大应不应该合并?Re: Anyone back to Jiaoda recently?
Re: missing Jiaoda's Video终于遇到了交大的一个牛人了
XJTU president will come USA据兵马俑消息,交大进了211第4位
都不说话还是真没人, 还是觉得没意思.交大博士毕业“门槛”之争
话题: ziyang话题: mlk话题: zhao话题: chinese话题: hope