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XML版 - Why does software xxx work with Big5: it not work
xml and chinese character[转载]【阅读日本偶像剧 NO.66】
Can I use Chinese Data?问个简单的coding问题
Can I use Chinese element names?法粂魁1
Can I use Big5?祝贺obama当选发前十个包子
What if I am using Big5 and the character I need作了一个转换txt到Eink reader适用的pdf的软件,PDF4Eink
Some Big5 documents fail with strange errors?Galaxy Nexus突然没法看中文的txt message怎么回事啊
What is Big5/GCCS, EUDC, and Big5plus?生活质量提高了一大截
XML 教程--10[转载] Question about SWING under UNIX
话题: ascii话题: big5话题: why话题: work话题: characters
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 122
Why does software xxx work with Big5: the documentation says it does not?
Big5 is an "7-bit unsafe" "ASCII-family" coded character set.
"ASCII-family" coded character sets (ASCII, ISO646, ISO8859-*, UTF-8, EUC, Big5, GB2312) means all the sets
which have the ASCII characters in the ASCII codepoints. (E.g., where "A" has the codepoint 65 (0x41).) All ASCII
characters have a value less than decimal 128 (0x80).
An "8-bit safe" characters encodings is one in which, if a byte appears
1 (共1页)
[转载] Question about SWING under UNIXWhat if I am using Big5 and the character I need
[转载] 字体问题Some Big5 documents fail with strange errors?
弱问轻拍:只有东亚的中日韩文是现存的非字母文字?What is Big5/GCCS, EUDC, and Big5plus?
关于大飞机,平可夫消息很准确啊XML 教程--10
xml and chinese character[转载]【阅读日本偶像剧 NO.66】
Can I use Chinese Data?问个简单的coding问题
Can I use Chinese element names?法粂魁1
Can I use Big5?祝贺obama当选发前十个包子
话题: ascii话题: big5话题: why话题: work话题: characters