

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
XML版 - can't use & in xml text?
Can I use Chinese Data?xsl里如何表示空格?
What if I am using Big5 and the character I need[转载] Hidden character in a file
Unicode is not a good character set for Chinese!vi tips for paper writers
I cannot see all the characters on my HTML browseuser virtual address space VS kernel virtual address space (转载)
What is Big5/GCCS, EUDC, and Big5plus?TouchPad怎么接收和发送Google Voice Text Message?
xslt: how to replace characteranyone has experience with floatflt?
How to use xml parser?求助:大家NSF Project Summary是enter text 还是提交Pdf ?
SHTML? Maybe a simple question for ya. thanks!请教document
话题: apos话题: xml话题: text话题: addr话题: use
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1275
noticed that every time i have an ampersand (&) in my xml text..
a&b it would trhow an error. what's the workaround?
any other special characters?
发帖数: 9
& &

< <
> >
" "
' '

【在 b****e 的大作中提到】
: noticed that every time i have an ampersand (&) in my xml text..
: a&b it would trhow an error. what's the workaround?
: any other special characters?

1 (共1页)
请教documentWhat is Big5/GCCS, EUDC, and Big5plus?
如何找到两个相同character在一个string中的位置?xslt: how to replace character
如何用26种语言说“圣诞快乐”?How to use xml parser?
amazon电面大家是怎么读代码的SHTML? Maybe a simple question for ya. thanks!
Can I use Chinese Data?xsl里如何表示空格?
What if I am using Big5 and the character I need[转载] Hidden character in a file
Unicode is not a good character set for Chinese!vi tips for paper writers
I cannot see all the characters on my HTML browseuser virtual address space VS kernel virtual address space (转载)
话题: apos话题: xml话题: text话题: addr话题: use