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XML版 - how to represent a graph in xml?
[转载] 急问: 在 jaxp 中怎样建立新 Node ? 多谢!How to include html (not xhtml) in an XML file?
请教:JavaScript怎么复制一个node(含子节点)?[转载] XML parsing problem
Can I use Chinese element names?有人使用JAXP吗?
Can I mix different kinds of Chinese in the same[转载] Re: May a XML file have more than one root?
how to deal with crash for CGI/PERLhow can I get oracles data and change it into xml?
StarDOM - Transforming Scientific Data into XML.怎么去掉xml文件中某些element的prefix
Problem with transformNode??使用group出现问题
话题: xml话题: represent话题: graph话题: relation话题: connection
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8
Hi, I am using xml to transform my object db to xml. does
anybody know how to represent graph in xml? xml is typically
hierarchical. But for my oodb, I will have a relation class,
which will represent relation between different elements.
How can I represent this in xml?
I am brand-new to xml. anybody please help! thanks.
发帖数: 2
I am also new to xml.. donno the correct presentation of the
solution, but I guess the basic idea is to convert the graph
into the tree, one very simple solution will be:

<--! above list the elements, following with the connection
nx, ny..

something like this should be enough for a graph
there is also a S

【在 u*******y 的大作中提到】
: Hi, I am using xml to transform my object db to xml. does
: anybody know how to represent graph in xml? xml is typically
: hierarchical. But for my oodb, I will have a relation class,
: which will represent relation between different elements.
: How can I represent this in xml?
: I am brand-new to xml. anybody please help! thanks.

1 (共1页)
使用group出现问题Can I mix different kinds of Chinese in the same
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Re: Please help! How to Program to Create an XML document with no root element?Problem with transformNode??
[转载] 急问: 在 jaxp 中怎样建立新 Node ? 多谢!How to include html (not xhtml) in an XML file?
请教:JavaScript怎么复制一个node(含子节点)?[转载] XML parsing problem
Can I use Chinese element names?有人使用JAXP吗?
话题: xml话题: represent话题: graph话题: relation话题: connection