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话题: perl话题: html话题: cgi话题: program话题: about
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 220
How to insert a "Perl program" into "HTML file"?
The goal is let user enter two numbers in the webpage that HTML makes, and
then let the "Perl program" to calculate those two numbers to give the result.
Now, my "HTML file" and "Perl program" are all ready separately.
But how to bundle them together into one program?
Who knows that, please help me. Or,can you tell me some websource about that?
Thank you.
发帖数: 438

【在 e******r 的大作中提到】
: How to insert a "Perl program" into "HTML file"?
: The goal is let user enter two numbers in the webpage that HTML makes, and
: then let the "Perl program" to calculate those two numbers to give the result.
: Now, my "HTML file" and "Perl program" are all ready separately.
: But how to bundle them together into one program?
: Who knows that, please help me. Or,can you tell me some websource about that?
: Thank you.

1 (共1页)
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话题: perl话题: html话题: cgi话题: program话题: about