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XML版 - [转载] XML usage context.
SOAP and XMLRPC, example of XML usage 1How to send a request/get response to/from XML server
What's a document?About XML parser
XMLSolutions 发布XMLZip.Please help! How to Program to Create an XML document with no root element?
兄弟们给介绍一本经典的XML书吧Weblog: DB vs. XML?
请教高手Processing xml files
Any APIs for handling XML?恭喜新版主上任!
one simple questionHELP!!!!!!
话题: xml话题: usage话题: api话题: webservice话题: context
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5
【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: query (bitter), 信区: Programming
标 题: XML usage context.
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Jul 18 07:16:46 2003) WWW-POST
Would someone discuss the usage of XML. There is tons of info for webservice.
q 1:
If not for webservice, just as a config file or datasheet, what the great
benifit over db? XML API is better than database access API or something else?
q 2:
If for the purpose of config file, I thought the security flaw is too obvious.
At least other people can
发帖数: 77
1. I think the benefit of using XML is you don't need to depend on specific
database system. And it's easy to transport from one location to another
2. I don't think so. It depends on what system you are using. I guess you are
talking about windows, if using registry. Registry actually make it difficult
to control the graularity of permission.

【在 Q***y 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Programming 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: query (bitter), 信区: Programming
: 标 题: XML usage context.
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Jul 18 07:16:46 2003) WWW-POST
: Would someone discuss the usage of XML. There is tons of info for webservice.
: q 1:
: If not for webservice, just as a config file or datasheet, what the great
: benifit over db? XML API is better than database access API or something else?
: q 2:
: If for the purpose of config file, I thought the security flaw is too obvious.

1 (共1页)
some questions about CVS请教高手
XMLAny APIs for handling XML?
XML is what?one simple question
SOAP and XMLRPC, example of XML usage 1How to send a request/get response to/from XML server
What's a document?About XML parser
XMLSolutions 发布XMLZip.Please help! How to Program to Create an XML document with no root element?
话题: xml话题: usage话题: api话题: webservice话题: context