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XiDian版 - CD vs. XD
专贴:中国电子科技大学的来历So many ppl yah.
I had thought it's XiDian JunXiao...太冷清了.;-<
I am sorry, I am late. Congratulations! XiDian BoardRe: Xidian BBS is so slow
西电90年代的教授们[转载] Re: Apply for XIDIAN BF
[转载] Apply for XIDIAN BFRe: 咱们西电的英文翻译也太恶心
Can't login in Xidian's BBS yah.西电的新BBS速度太慢(http://bbs.xidian.edu.cn)
话题: xidian话题: chengdian话题: when话题: cd话题: its
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 164
When I was in China, I tended to think ChengDian
as the competitor of Xidian. And I know Chengdian played
many tricks in trying to overwhelming Xidian.
for example, in the name dispution. Therefore, like most
xidianers, I don't like it.
When I came to US, I finally realized that the reputation of
a school is built not on its name but by its academic achievements.
No matter what its name is, as long as xidian and xidianer could
achieve more in academic, it will have a better reputation.
Now CD ha
发帖数: 31

Is this street in Madison? you are a badger also?

【在 j*****g 的大作中提到】
: When I was in China, I tended to think ChengDian
: as the competitor of Xidian. And I know Chengdian played
: many tricks in trying to overwhelming Xidian.
: for example, in the name dispution. Therefore, like most
: xidianers, I don't like it.
: When I came to US, I finally realized that the reputation of
: a school is built not on its name but by its academic achievements.
: No matter what its name is, as long as xidian and xidianer could
: achieve more in academic, it will have a better reputation.
: Now CD ha

发帖数: 164
no, no, I am in Newark, the famous "black ppl"city.
p.s.I post this just because I saw someone
call CDer "enemy". I don't like it.
发帖数: 2
I agree that people should learn from others to improve himself.
Xidian should learn from whoever is better than Xidian. However,
I can't agree with you that Chendian is better than Xidian. I have
stayed in Xidian for 9 years and knows Xidian very well, I also
have the experience of doing a project with Chengdian, at that time
I am a new graduate from Department 1, and our match in Chengdian side
is a also a same grade graduate from their No. 1 department. The
difference is obvious, our ability

【在 j*****g 的大作中提到】
: When I was in China, I tended to think ChengDian
: as the competitor of Xidian. And I know Chengdian played
: many tricks in trying to overwhelming Xidian.
: for example, in the name dispution. Therefore, like most
: xidianers, I don't like it.
: When I came to US, I finally realized that the reputation of
: a school is built not on its name but by its academic achievements.
: No matter what its name is, as long as xidian and xidianer could
: achieve more in academic, it will have a better reputation.
: Now CD ha

1 (共1页)
Re: 本站不太热闹,是否应该欢迎西工大,西北大学的朋友们也来张贴?[转载] Apply for XIDIAN BF
建议西电建立校友网站链接Can't login in Xidian's BBS yah.
专贴:中国电子科技大学的来历So many ppl yah.
I had thought it's XiDian JunXiao...太冷清了.;-<
I am sorry, I am late. Congratulations! XiDian BoardRe: Xidian BBS is so slow
话题: xidian话题: chengdian话题: when话题: cd话题: its