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ZJU版 - 浙江大学波士顿校友会2012秋季创业论坛暨感恩节聚会(11月25日)
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[公告] ZJU 板的投票结果
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话题: boston话题: mit话题: university话题: he话题: alumni
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13
Dear Friends,
The Zhejiang University Alumni Association Boston Chapter will launch its
2012 entrepreneurship forum this fall. The forum has a focus on "Translate
Innovation, Science and Technology to Future Start-up Ventures". We have
invited speakers from our successful alumni working in business, industry
and academia with multiple disciplines at Boston area and in China. We aim
to set up this platform for YOU to learn the nitty-gritty of
entrepreneurship, to build up network with entrepreneurs, and to commit
yourself to transforming your great ideas to future enterprises. This event
is also co-organized by our brother club Weiming-Zijing venture club this
Forum Topic: Translate Innovation, Science and Technology to Future Start-up
---- Start with your Alumni around You
Time: Start from 1:00pm on 11/25/2012 (Sunday)
Place: MIT Sloan School of Management, Building E51 (Tang center), Room 325
Parking: Visitors can park in any non-gated lot on campus after 5 PM on
weekdays, and all day on weekends and MIT holidays. You could consider the
MIT parking lot located at 42.360673,-71.084797 (google map) or park on the
street free on Sunday.
Invited speakers:
Zhang, Shiwei, PhD
Dr. Zhang is currently the CEO of The Research Institute for Innovation at
Insigma Group (浙大网新创新研究院), responsible for commercializing its
innovation achievements and fostering new business. He is also a guest
research professor at the College of Public Administration of Zhejiang
University and at the Top 500 Enterprise Research Center of Shanghai
University of Finance and Economics. He has been a visiting scholar and
research fellow at MIT Sloan School of Management since August 2009.
Previously he was working as a Research Director, CTO and VP at two MIT
technology-based companies respectively, and was also a visiting assistant
professor at Department of Chemistry of MIT. He is the author or co-author
of 35 peer-reviewed articles published in international scientific journals,
and the co-inventor of five patents, and two of them were respectively
licensed to a Japanese company and a US company for the practical
Guo, Jian, PhD
Dr. Guo is currently an assistant professor at the Department of
Biostatistics at the Harvard School of Public Health. His main research
interest covers computational online advertising, search techniques for
social media and location-based service, and large-scale machine learning
algorithms based on cloud computing. Before joining Harvard, he had working
experience at Yahoo! Lab while pursuing his PhD at University of Michigan .
He also co-founded start-ups for tutoring college students while he was
studying at Tsinghua University.
Chen, Caipeng
Chen, Caipeng majors in Mechanical Engineering at Boston University. In the
past 2012 MIT-CHIEF business plan contest last week, he lead his team of
Around Sensing to win the first place in the Healthcare Track. Around-
Sensing is a healthcare company focusing on developing portable sensing
devices and sensor-based App to monitor environmental and personal health.
He will share his story of founding Around Sensing and experience of winning
the MIT-CHIEF contest.
Moderator: Miao, Qing, PhD
Dr. Miao is an associated professor at the College of Public Administration,
Zhejiang University. He is currently a visiting professor at MIT Sloan
School of Management. His research interests include leadership and
entrepreneurship, labor relationship and human resources management, and he
has unique insights on mobile &Internet industry development and venture
opportunities. With experience and passion in both the theory and practice
of entrepreneurship, he has advised and supervised many start-up teams both
at Boston and in China. He is also serving as a distinguished reviewer of
2012 MIT-CHIEF business plan contest.
Please register at the following link if possible:
Early registrants will have the chance to get a lottery award at the end.
Also, light snack will be provided during the forum. Please come to join us
to embrace this opportunity and to witness the first-year launch of this
Best regards,
ZJU Alumni Entrepreneurship Club
Zhejiang University Alumni Association Boston Chapter
The Boston ZJU Entrepreneurship club is affiliated to the Zhejiang
University Alumni Association Boston Chapter. The club is committed to
provide a platform for the young talents at the Great Boston Area to
communicate entrepreneurial ideas, to foster potential start-up
collaborations, and to connect the talent and advanced technology at US with
the fast growing resources and improving entrepreneurial environment in
The club organizes a serials of seminar events in flexible formats, such as
speeches given by invited speakers, sharing of personal entrepreneurial
experience by our fellow members, or interactive "brainstorm" type of
In the fall of 2012, we start to collaborate with Weiming-Zijing Venture
Club at Great Boston which is affiliated to Peking University Alumni
Association at New England & Tsinghua Alumni Association in Great Boston.
Our fellow members work at Harvard, MIT, Massachusetts General Hospital,
and etc, and the organized events are gaining more and more popularity at
Boston area.
1 (共1页)
True life in ZJU(2)
True life in ZJU(3)
True life in ZJU(4)
Shame on ZJU
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话题: boston话题: mit话题: university话题: he话题: alumni