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_America版 - Re: 是什么造成了美国的的今天
Re: Who's afraid of Virgina Woolf?丰田safety sense P 对比 eyesight,honda sensing
Wave (ii) Has Two Equal Interpretations (ZT)我来说一句
作为异性恋,我为什么支持同性婚姻?(ZT)急求一篇文章 (转载)
Re: [转载] 国标麻将88、64番种和牌难度探讨(ZT)急求一篇文章
大家觉得 Disturbed 的 Sound of Silence cover 唱的如何?这两个有本质的不同
RE: 妈妈LAX入境被叫进小黑屋...(459b)Equal Social Security Benefits
[bssd] 请教故事怎么写= 和 == 用英语怎么说
Study Finds GM Corn Disturbs Immune System of MiceJava的hashcode和equal函数有什么用?
话题: equality话题: say话题: when话题: true
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 710
Balance(or say equality) is the natural state when there's no disturbance
(or say information). This is true in many senses.(This is a hand-
waving statement, don't argue the details with me).
When we have more information, for example: your wealth, your intelligence,
this equality becomes a conditional equality(有条件的平等,要是学概率或者
统计的就更明白我说的是什么了). So you can say that conditional
equality is not equality any more, you can even say that conditional
equality is inequality. That is true. Who said that A
1 (共1页)
Java的hashcode和equal函数有什么用?大家觉得 Disturbed 的 Sound of Silence cover 唱的如何?
送google wave邀请RE: 妈妈LAX入境被叫进小黑屋...(459b)
你们说现在像不像在走第3波呢?[bssd] 请教故事怎么写
大家一起google waving!!!Study Finds GM Corn Disturbs Immune System of Mice
Re: Who's afraid of Virgina Woolf?丰田safety sense P 对比 eyesight,honda sensing
Wave (ii) Has Two Equal Interpretations (ZT)我来说一句
作为异性恋,我为什么支持同性婚姻?(ZT)急求一篇文章 (转载)
Re: [转载] 国标麻将88、64番种和牌难度探讨(ZT)急求一篇文章
话题: equality话题: say话题: when话题: true