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_Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet McNaught Over Catalonia
Astronomy Picture of Day: Magnificient Tail of Comet McNaugAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet SW3 Passes the Earth
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet Hale-BoppAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet over Krakow
Astronomy Picture of Day: Two cometsMore about Ikeya-Zhang vs. Comet 1661
zt Comet McNaught BrighteningAstronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the Mist
Comet McNaught photo gallery金木合
Astronomy Picture of Day: McNaught's MatineeGetting to Know Comet Borrelly [zz]
A few selected photos of Comet McNaught from spacecweather.Re: 池谷-张彗星的位置
Astronomy Picture of Day: Galaxy & CometRe: Any portable good telescope?
话题: comet话题: mcnaught话题: over话题: catalonia话题: day
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1994
Comet McNaught Over Catalonia
Credit & Copyright: Juan Casado (skylook.net)
Explanation: This past weekend Comet McNaught peaked at a brightness that
surpassed even Venus. Fascinated sky enthusiasts in the Earth's northern
hemisphere were treated to an instantly visible comet head and a faint
elongated tail near sunrise and sunset. Recent brightness estimates had
Comet McNaught brighter than magnitude -5 (minus five) over this past
weekend, making it the brightest comet since Comet Ikeya-Seki in
1 (共1页)
Re: Any portable good telescope?Comet McNaught photo gallery
彗星观测指南Astronomy Picture of Day: McNaught's Matinee
关于百武的更详细的报道〔space.com)A few selected photos of Comet McNaught from spacecweather.
New Comet: SOHO-422Astronomy Picture of Day: Galaxy & Comet
Astronomy Picture of Day: Magnificient Tail of Comet McNaugAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet SW3 Passes the Earth
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet Hale-BoppAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet over Krakow
Astronomy Picture of Day: Two cometsMore about Ikeya-Zhang vs. Comet 1661
zt Comet McNaught BrighteningAstronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the Mist
话题: comet话题: mcnaught话题: over话题: catalonia话题: day