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_Astronomy版 - 每日一图 The Lost World of Lake Vida
每日一图 木卫二的红斑每日一图 年轻星系POX 186
每日一图 月球上的东方海每日一图 日冕
每日一图 疏散星团M35和NGC 2158Astronomy Picuture of Day: An Antarctic Eclipse
每日一图 非洲夜空的星流迹Astronomy Picture of Day: Antarctic Iceberg
每日一图 木星,伊俄和影子绝了!一图胜过千言万语(图)
每日一图 Io at SunsetChina icebreaker close to trapped Antarctic ship
每日一图 小行星安妮.法兰克海归教授回应论文造假事件:"是有人在专门整我们"
每日一图 自由漂浮的哈勃太空望远镜网友制"舌尖上的世界各地" 韩英美统统一图剧终(组图)
话题: lake话题: world话题: vida话题: lost话题: 一图
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 344
The Lost World of Lake Vida
Credit & Copyright: Thomas Nylen & Andrew Fountain (PSU), NASA, NSF
Explanation: A lake hidden beneath 19 meters of ice has been found near the
bottom of the world that might contain an ecosystem completely separate
from our own. In a modern version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic book
Lost World, scientists are now plotting a mission to drill down into the
lake and take out a small part to see what's there. Lake Vida, buried under
Antarctic ice for over 2,500 yea
1 (共1页)
海归教授回应论文造假事件:"是有人在专门整我们"每日一图 木星,伊俄和影子
网友制"舌尖上的世界各地" 韩英美统统一图剧终(组图)每日一图 Io at Sunset
上海老夫妇看病插队被拒 扇医生耳光每日一图 小行星安妮.法兰克
杨幂临时取消活动被指耍大牌 一图道出真相每日一图 自由漂浮的哈勃太空望远镜
每日一图 木卫二的红斑每日一图 年轻星系POX 186
每日一图 月球上的东方海每日一图 日冕
每日一图 疏散星团M35和NGC 2158Astronomy Picuture of Day: An Antarctic Eclipse
每日一图 非洲夜空的星流迹Astronomy Picture of Day: Antarctic Iceberg
话题: lake话题: world话题: vida话题: lost话题: 一图