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_Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Flare Well AR486
Astronomy Picture of Day: a Powerful Solar FlareAstronomy Picture of Day: Abell 1689
Astronomy Picture of Day: Double Eruptions每日一图 Comet Kudo-Fujikawa: Days in the Sun
哈勃发现前所未有的激波Astronomy Picture of Day: Cold Wind from Nebula
Kamikaze彗星冲入太阳(英文原文)Astronomy Picture of Day: Neat and Erupting Sun
太阳旁的神秘气体Astronomy Picture of Day: Light Echoes from V838
Astronomy Picture of Day: Ring GalaxyAstronomy Picture of Day: V838 Light Echo
Astronomy Picture of Day: X-ray MoonAstronomy Picture of Day: M17
每日一图 星系團Abell 1689附近的扭曲空間Astronomy Picture of Day: Mercury Spotting
话题: flare话题: well话题: day话题: ar486话题: picture
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发帖数: 1994
Flare Well AR 10486
Credit: SOHO - EIT Consortium, ESA, NASA
Explanation: Almost out of view from our fair planet, rotating around the Sun's western edge, giant sunspot
region AR 10486 lashed out with another intense solar flare followed by a large coronal mass ejection (CME) on
Tuesday, November 4th at about 1950 Universal Time. The flare itself is seen here at the lower right in an
extreme ultraviolet image from the sun-staring SOHO spacecraft's EIT camera. Saturating the
1 (共1页)
Astronomy Picture of Day: Mercury Spotting太阳旁的神秘气体
Astronomy Picture of Day: Helix NebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: Ring Galaxy
Astronomy Picture of Day: Galaxies in GOODSAstronomy Picture of Day: X-ray Moon
Astronomy Picture of Day: Dark Matter Map每日一图 星系團Abell 1689附近的扭曲空間
Astronomy Picture of Day: a Powerful Solar FlareAstronomy Picture of Day: Abell 1689
Astronomy Picture of Day: Double Eruptions每日一图 Comet Kudo-Fujikawa: Days in the Sun
哈勃发现前所未有的激波Astronomy Picture of Day: Cold Wind from Nebula
Kamikaze彗星冲入太阳(英文原文)Astronomy Picture of Day: Neat and Erupting Sun
话题: flare话题: well话题: day话题: ar486话题: picture