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_Auto_Fans版 - I am an April fool
BMW has gone way too soft说到entry level luxury这个档次
弱问,E36的M3值得买么...DIY 月赛 2001 BMW 330i 换 coolant and drive belt
给330换了离合BMW Remote Key Re-Initialise,easy DIY。
发几个motorcycle-superstore.com的coupon[合集] 终于决定开始买车买房了
转个mobil 1 的deal[合集] 我们坛子里有很多国际友人阿
三毛真的把330改成12缸?V12还是I12?[合集] 求助,钥匙锁后备箱里怎么办呢 (转载)
响应斑竹号称,说说BMW oil change的一个需要注意的小地方。[DIY 月赛] BMW E46 Headlight 维修
话题: bmw话题: april话题: my话题: am话题: fool
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8397
I am looking for an used bmw e46, manual really hard. then I saw this
"2004 BMW 330 ci - $7000 (san leandro)
Hi, my name is Mark and up for grabs is my 5 spd. manual 6 cylinder 2004
BMW 330 ci. It has about 20,000 miles on it, not very much because it's
been sitting in my drive way for a while now. I don't drive it much
because I have three other cars. This car was given to me by my father. I
have no need for it now. Whoever is taking th
发帖数: 2183

【在 f********m 的大作中提到】
: I am looking for an used bmw e46, manual really hard. then I saw this
: today:
: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/cto/1671283580.html
: "2004 BMW 330 ci - $7000 (san leandro)
: Hi, my name is Mark and up for grabs is my 5 spd. manual 6 cylinder 2004
: BMW 330 ci. It has about 20,000 miles on it, not very much because it's
: been sitting in my drive way for a while now. I don't drive it much
: because I have three other cars. This car was given to me by my father. I
: have no need for it now. Whoever is taking th

发帖数: 2001

【在 f********m 的大作中提到】
: I am looking for an used bmw e46, manual really hard. then I saw this
: today:
: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/cto/1671283580.html
: "2004 BMW 330 ci - $7000 (san leandro)
: Hi, my name is Mark and up for grabs is my 5 spd. manual 6 cylinder 2004
: BMW 330 ci. It has about 20,000 miles on it, not very much because it's
: been sitting in my drive way for a while now. I don't drive it much
: because I have three other cars. This car was given to me by my father. I
: have no need for it now. Whoever is taking th

发帖数: 8631
How is that a good one?
发帖数: 8397
good prank

【在 T********e 的大作中提到】
: How is that a good one?
1 (共1页)
[DIY 月赛] BMW E46 Headlight 维修转个mobil 1 的deal
[合集] Re: 试过S60和9-3,发现还是350Z最好三毛真的把330改成12缸?V12还是I12?
试开了Audi A3 and A4响应斑竹号称,说说BMW oil change的一个需要注意的小地方。
BMW has gone way too soft说到entry level luxury这个档次
弱问,E36的M3值得买么...DIY 月赛 2001 BMW 330i 换 coolant and drive belt
给330换了离合BMW Remote Key Re-Initialise,easy DIY。
发几个motorcycle-superstore.com的coupon[合集] 终于决定开始买车买房了
话题: bmw话题: april话题: my话题: am话题: fool