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_Climbing版 - [TR] Mt. Jefferson climb (June. 27-29, 2009) (3)
[TR] Mt. Jefferson climb (June. 27-29, 2009) (2)
With some prices
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food dehydrator
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正在整理Rainier的prep work
Mt Rainier DC (07/20-21) (转载)
话题: summit话题: ice话题: mt话题: tr话题: june
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 39815
【 以下文字转载自 Outdoors 讨论区 】
发信人: TrueCabbage (...), 信区: Outdoors
标 题: [TR] Mt. Jefferson climb (June. 27-29, 2009) (3)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jun 30 19:54:17 2009, 美东)
Both summit ridge and summit pinnacle were pretty much covered by snow and
ice. We put crampons on, used one ice axe and one ice tool, and started to
traverse to the summit pinnacle. Most of time, we simply roped up. On some
steep and icy sections, I placed pickets to protect running belay. I fell
once but stopped falling immediately u
1 (共1页)
Mt Rainier DC (07/20-21) (转载)
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Re: Where to find professional summit experience for Kilimanjaro in Ch
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[TR] Mt. Jefferson climb (June. 27-29, 2009) (1)
话题: summit话题: ice话题: mt话题: tr话题: june