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_DC版 - Tropical storm warning (转载)
不知道mitbbsdc同学今天跑得怎么样?借人气问一下: DC area有没有能现在就入学并且很快给办CPT的社区大学?
强烈推荐"the reader"天气预报:明天中午开始下雪,一直到星期六的傍晚。
听说地震了,上来冒个泡Winter Storm Warning for Montgomery, MD
圣诞节给学校的老师们送礼?天哪,又有winter storm warning了
Hooya 前来报到紧急问一下nova附近吃早茶的地方
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DC俱乐部eqi前来报到[ZT]周六(8/7)晚 NOVA korean themed outing
Can anyone recommend a haircutter in NOVA?请问NoVA附近生统的工作机会 (转载)
话题: tropical话题: storm话题: sep话题: warning话题: fri
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 404
【 以下文字转载自 WashingtonDC 讨论区 】
发信人: cnelson (插里,尼尔森), 信区: WashingtonDC
标 题: Tropical storm warning
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 5 15:51:24 2008)
Friday Sep 5 , 2008
It is expected that tropical storm Hanna will impact the DC metro, NOVA area
later tonight through tomorrow.
4-8 inches of rain with wind gusts up to 40-60 mph is possible.
The most important thing you can do to ensure you safety is to stay alert,
use caution and follow directions.
Please review the following web sites for more hurricane
发帖数: 508


【在 c*****n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WashingtonDC 讨论区 】
: 发信人: cnelson (插里,尼尔森), 信区: WashingtonDC
: 标 题: Tropical storm warning
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 5 15:51:24 2008)
: Friday Sep 5 , 2008
: It is expected that tropical storm Hanna will impact the DC metro, NOVA area
: later tonight through tomorrow.
: 4-8 inches of rain with wind gusts up to 40-60 mph is possible.
: The most important thing you can do to ensure you safety is to stay alert,
: use caution and follow directions.

1 (共1页)
请问NoVA附近生统的工作机会 (转载)Hooya 前来报到
有谁因为hail storm换了新屋顶的?这里有打排球的组织吗?
storm 好凶悍啊DC俱乐部eqi前来报到
Thanksgiving Snowbird Ski 11/25-11/29Can anyone recommend a haircutter in NOVA?
不知道mitbbsdc同学今天跑得怎么样?借人气问一下: DC area有没有能现在就入学并且很快给办CPT的社区大学?
强烈推荐"the reader"天气预报:明天中午开始下雪,一直到星期六的傍晚。
听说地震了,上来冒个泡Winter Storm Warning for Montgomery, MD
圣诞节给学校的老师们送礼?天哪,又有winter storm warning了
话题: tropical话题: storm话题: sep话题: warning话题: fri