I was looking for some "arrest Sarah Palin shirts", but the closest I could
find were these. If anyone else is looking for some good shirts to show your
outrage at her Gun-target map (and the Tea Party vitriol/incitement to
violence in general) this is a pretty good deal for something immediately
Link: http://www.zazzle.com/sarah_will_kill_me_for_oil_tshirt-2353111
Link: http://www.zazzle.com/kill_him_is_this_how_republicans_plan_to_
Link: http://www.zazzle.com/when_jesus_comes_back_the_repub_tshirt-23
I'm going to get flamed for this. Just remember Democratic politicans aren't
the ones who've been using violent language to rile up their followers.
If anyone finds an "arrest Palin" shirt or Palin in chains, please post that
as it would be even hotter.