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_DealGroup版 - 【$】Civilization 5, $19.98
【$】Civilization V $16.98 (or $11.19!) @ gamersgate (66% off) [Steamworks]【$】Bowflex Xtreme SE Home Gym $399 shipped (reg $1299) *starts Mon 9/27 at 12:00 am Eastern*
【$】Steam - Sid Meier's Civilization V $17 for regular or $20.40 for the Digital Deluxe version【$】Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells $239 shipped *starts Friday 9/24 at 12:00 am Eastern*
【$】Steam PC: Civilization V $12.50 / Deluxe $15【$】Free full bottle of advil first 500,000
【$】Steam PC Daily Deal - Civilization V $10.19【$】Puma 40% off all items including sale items FS, no minimum required.
【$】Civilization V (PC) $7.49【$】Brooks Brothers Two-Day Sale(12/25-26) additional 15% off. Dress Shirts 3 for $135.15
【$】Steam / PC / MAC :Civilization V $7.49【$】$15 for $30 or $10 for $20 at Bath and Body Works (starts tonight at midnight eastern)
【$】Civilization V (PC) $34.99 with Free Shipping【$】Free Glasses from CoastalContacts.com
【$】*Heads-up: starts at 1:00 am Eastern* Restaurant.com 80% off: $25 Discount Certificates $2 or $3, $10 Discount Certificates $0.80【$】2 Fandango Tickets exp 05/2011 - $4
话题: steam话题: sale话题: here话题: link
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
My first deal post on here, so hope I did everything right.
Civilization 5 is on sale at Greenmangaming.com for $19.98, which is cheaper
then the Steam sale that's going on right now, but after you buy it you can
active it on Steam with the serial code that will be emailed to you.
Here is the link Link:
The sale ends tomorrow at 6.59 PM Eastern Time.
1 (共1页)
【$】2 Fandango Tickets exp 05/2011 - $4【$】Civilization V (PC) $7.49
【$】coastacontacts free glasses (pay shipping)【$】Steam / PC / MAC :Civilization V $7.49
【$】24-Disc Happy Face CD / DVD Storage Case Wallet .99 free shipping from EverDay Source (Starts 11:30 AM Eastern)【$】Civilization V (PC) $34.99 with Free Shipping
【$】Bowflex SelectTech 1090 Dumbbells Pair (90lbs each) $359 free shipping from Bowflex. Starts 12AM Eastern【$】*Heads-up: starts at 1:00 am Eastern* Restaurant.com 80% off: $25 Discount Certificates $2 or $3, $10 Discount Certificates $0.80
【$】Civilization V $16.98 (or $11.19!) @ gamersgate (66% off) [Steamworks]【$】Bowflex Xtreme SE Home Gym $399 shipped (reg $1299) *starts Mon 9/27 at 12:00 am Eastern*
【$】Steam - Sid Meier's Civilization V $17 for regular or $20.40 for the Digital Deluxe version【$】Bowflex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells $239 shipped *starts Friday 9/24 at 12:00 am Eastern*
【$】Steam PC: Civilization V $12.50 / Deluxe $15【$】Free full bottle of advil first 500,000
【$】Steam PC Daily Deal - Civilization V $10.19【$】Puma 40% off all items including sale items FS, no minimum required.
话题: steam话题: sale话题: here话题: link