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_DealGroup版 - 【$】The Perfect Cure for Penis Envy - Special 3 for $26.99
【$】Sherman William 40% sale请教大家Penis和PNAS发音的区别
【$】TODAY ONLY -- Massive Sears Mattress Sale (MSMS) - additional 27% off sale price AND MORE看了gogirl说的故事,我心里发凉,还会有事吗?
【$】Ed Hardy Men's Straight Leg DB Jeans with Urine Colored Logo on Rear End $31.99 @ The "O"白人真TNND变态,撒个尿还要写个指南
【$】Marijuana (THC) 5 Urine Test Strips - $1.99 (Free shipping with Amazon Prime)花街这都什么标题啊,明显歧视大陆人
【$】Lowe's Facebook Giveaway!如果父母一发现被拍就报警,警方会如何处理?
【$】*Ladies Only* One free UriFemme ($1 shipping)恭喜扭腰市
【$】Free after MAIL IN REBATE- New WOOLITE Pet Urine Eliminator (up to $6) exp 12/15/11今天陪老板去作孕检 结果出事了!
【$】Deluxe Plastic Urinal With Lid For Men, case of 50 for $0.79???来San Jose狂渴狂喝水,不会是糖尿病吧?哪能检查?
话题: penis话题: envy话题: cure话题: special话题: perfect
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60932
Hey girls (and some of you underendowed guys)!
Penis envy has been a problem since time immemorial. Every time you have to
... micturate, you have to sit down, while your Man can simply zip'r'down,
and fire away.
GoGirl has finally come up with the complete solution - the GoGirl FUD
That's Female Urination Device for the acronymically challenged among you
out there.
Simply zip'r'down, lower your panties, and put GoGirl against your body,
forming a seal. Aim and, well, pee. Pretty simple, huh?
You've gotts see it to believe it.
Enjoy total freedom of peedom!!
1 (共1页)
来San Jose狂渴狂喝水,不会是糖尿病吧?哪能检查?【$】Lowe's Facebook Giveaway!
3个月大的女宝宝,尿布有点发红【$】*Ladies Only* One free UriFemme ($1 shipping)
我一不小心知道了英语的“大便、小便、放屁”的真正说法【$】Free after MAIL IN REBATE- New WOOLITE Pet Urine Eliminator (up to $6) exp 12/15/11
加拿大生活英语及单词, 一定要看呦【$】Deluxe Plastic Urinal With Lid For Men, case of 50 for $0.79???
【$】Sherman William 40% sale请教大家Penis和PNAS发音的区别
【$】TODAY ONLY -- Massive Sears Mattress Sale (MSMS) - additional 27% off sale price AND MORE看了gogirl说的故事,我心里发凉,还会有事吗?
【$】Ed Hardy Men's Straight Leg DB Jeans with Urine Colored Logo on Rear End $31.99 @ The "O"白人真TNND变态,撒个尿还要写个指南
【$】Marijuana (THC) 5 Urine Test Strips - $1.99 (Free shipping with Amazon Prime)花街这都什么标题啊,明显歧视大陆人
话题: penis话题: envy话题: cure话题: special话题: perfect