I was trolling through the clearance stuff at Bobybuilding.com and noticed
they have Ultima Health Products: Ultima Replenisher Lemonade flavor 90
servings for Free!
Shipping is $5.98 unless you get to $75 which is pretty easy to do when
buying supplements.
You can't just buy the free item, need to add something. If you sort the
clearance section from low to high they have some gum for $1.62. I went with
the Muscle Pharm shirt for $2.XX.
My order was 5 tubs of the Ultima Replenisher plus the tshirt for $8.77
I got the confirmation and then one minute later a shipping confirmation. I
was skeptical to post this deal in case it was a price mistake but then 5
minutes later I got a UPS tracking number on email!
I have never ordered from BB.com but hear they are good and ship fast. Maybe
this stuff is near the expiration date.
Link: http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/ultima/ultima-replenisher.htm
Amazon has good reviews on this stuff, I have never tried it:
Link: http://www.amazon.com/Ultima-Replenisher-Lemonade-90-Servings/p