_DealGroup版 - 【$】CORSAIR Professional Series AX1200 1200W ATX12V v2.31 / EPS12V v2.92 SLI Certified 80 PLUS GOLD Certified Modular Active PFC Power Supply $232AR
This was previous posted by Selma at $240 AR. It's now been dropped an
additional $9 to 251-$20 rebate for a total of 231AR.
Newegg Link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139014
People seem to criticize this as too much, but i run a
i7 3400 Quad 3.4ghz
1 SSD, 3HDs, 1DVDR.
on an 850w system. It's not enough. Peak usage is 1050+ and when i push the
video card it can spazz out and even crash the system. I had the same
problem on my 5970 HD when i pushed the video.