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To get the prices listed, you will have to apply the SCT (shopping cart
trick) and pick the right color!!!!. Read the SCT instructions below
carefully and follow as directed. If you get an error saving your bag,
advance to check out, then save bag and log out.
1. Log in to your Kohls account first before you add an item to your cart
2. Put the items in your cart but do not check out!!
3. Save your shopping bag (very important!!)
4. Log out and save your bag again
5. Log back in by signing back in
6. Your item should now show the lower price in your shopping bag
Paula Deen Twin-Pack Aluminum Skillets NOW OOS, BUT BOOKMARK IT, IT WILL
LIKELY COME BACK: Deen TwinPack Aluminum Skillets.kohls.jsp?prtID=pfx&src=k3787&cm_mmc=Performics-_-Affiliate-_-*FatWallet.Com*-_-Expect Great Things at
regular $49.99 or $11.99 after SCT and AC WORKS ON RED ONLY!!!!
Paula Deen 2-pc. Mixing Bowl Set: Deen 2pc Mixing Bowl Set.kohls.jsp?prtID=pfx&src=k3787&cm_mmc=Performics-_-Affiliate-_-*FatWallet.Com*-_-Expect Great Things at
regular $29.99 or $7.19 after SCT and AC WORKS ON RED AND ORANGE ONLY!!!
Paula Deen 1-qt. Aluminum Open Saucepan
regular $29.99 or $4.79 after SCT and AC WORKS ON RED ONLY!!!
Paula Deen 8-Cup Percolator: Deen 8Cup Percolator.kohls.jsp?prtID=pfx&src=k3787&cm_mmc=Performics-_-Affiliate-_-*FatWallet.Com*-_-Expect Great Things at
regular $39.99 or $9.59 after SCT and AC on ORANGE AND BLUE ONLY!!