Was at my local Lowes today and saw this torch for $12.49. Sticker said it
was originally $49.97. There were 4 left at the Maple Shade NJ store. Since
this is clearance and I could not find this on the Lowes website, I'd say
this is very YMMV. Lowes item # is 312718. Amazon gives this unit very mixed
reviews but I think the bottle of Mapp gas and Oxygen are worth more than
the $12.49. In fact I thought of buying one just for the gas. Did some
searching and couldn't find any earlier post on this.
Link to product on amazon Link: http://www.amazon.com/Bernzomatic-Welding-Brazing-Cutting-OX2550KC/dp/B0002JM8AO/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top