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_DealGroup版 - 【$】Canon PowerShot SD1300IS 12 MP Digital Camera Pink 4GB SDHC Memeory Card $25 Amazon Gift Card FS = $109.99 at Amazon.com
【$】Canon SD1300 IS, 4GB SD, carry case - $116.99 FS【$】Canon PowerShot SD940IS 12.1MP Digital Camera with 4x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.7-inch LCD $159 free shipping from Amazon
【$】Canon SD1300 IS Digital Camera Blue 4GB Lexar SDHC Class 6 Memory Card $89.00 Free Shipping at Amazon.com【$】Nikon COOLPIX S8000 14 Megapixel Digital Camera with 10x Wide-Angle Zoom, 3" LCD, HD Movie Black - Refurbished - $149.00
【$】Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 14.1 MP Digital Camera with 14x Optical Zoom $200【$】Canon S95 for $299.99 FS at Amazon
【$】Canon - PowerShot SX130 IS 12.0-Megapixel Digital Camera for $148.99【$】Canon PowerShot A3300 IS Digital Camera $75 after $25 Staples Easy Rebate (gift card) or $50 after rebate and coupon at Staples.com 12/18-12/20
Canon PowerShot A3000IS 10 MP Digital Camera $79 (转载)佳能Canon PowerShot S95 10 MP Digital Camera with 3.8x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom
【$】Canon PowerShot SX210IS 14.1 MP Digital Camera with 14x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 3.0-Inch LCD 4GB SD Card and Camera Case $199 with free shipping!【$】Canon PowerShot ELPH 100 12MP Digital Camera $99.95 FS
【$】Canon PowerShot SD1300IS (all colors) 4GB SDHC $109 Free Shipping @Amazon【$】Canon PowerShot SX230 12 MP 14x Zoom Camera Bundle (4GB SDHC Memory and Case) $191 w/free ship
【$】Free Mini HDMI Cable and 4 GB Memory Card with Select Canon PowerShot Cameras though Amazon【$】Canon PowerShot SD1300 IS 12.1 MP Digital Camera $129 FSSS
话题: card话题: camera话题: sd1300is话题: powershot话题: mp
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发帖数: 60932
Canon PowerShot SD1300IS 12 MP Digital Camera with 4x Wide Angle Optical
Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.7-Inch LCD (Pink) for 109.99 ...Other colors are
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Final price for Camera + SDHC Card + $25 GC = $109.99
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【$】Canon PowerShot SD1300 IS 12.1 MP Digital Camera $129 FSSSCanon PowerShot A3000IS 10 MP Digital Camera $79 (转载)
【$】Walmart-Fujifilm AX250 14MP Digital Camera Bundle, 5x Optical Zoom, 2.7" LCD, HD Movie, Image Stabilization, Includes 4GB SDHC Card, Camera Case【$】Canon PowerShot SX210IS 14.1 MP Digital Camera with 14x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 3.0-Inch LCD 4GB SD Card and Camera Case $199 with free shipping!
【$】Canon PowerShot ELPH 500 24mm Wide Angle Digital Camera with 1080p Video $139 free s/h【$】Canon PowerShot SD1300IS (all colors) 4GB SDHC $109 Free Shipping @Amazon
Canon PowerShot A1400 16.0 MP Digital Camera $58.99 Free Sh (转载)【$】Free Mini HDMI Cable and 4 GB Memory Card with Select Canon PowerShot Cameras though Amazon
【$】Canon SD1300 IS, 4GB SD, carry case - $116.99 FS【$】Canon PowerShot SD940IS 12.1MP Digital Camera with 4x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.7-inch LCD $159 free shipping from Amazon
【$】Canon SD1300 IS Digital Camera Blue 4GB Lexar SDHC Class 6 Memory Card $89.00 Free Shipping at Amazon.com【$】Nikon COOLPIX S8000 14 Megapixel Digital Camera with 10x Wide-Angle Zoom, 3" LCD, HD Movie Black - Refurbished - $149.00
【$】Canon PowerShot SX210 IS 14.1 MP Digital Camera with 14x Optical Zoom $200【$】Canon S95 for $299.99 FS at Amazon
【$】Canon - PowerShot SX130 IS 12.0-Megapixel Digital Camera for $148.99【$】Canon PowerShot A3300 IS Digital Camera $75 after $25 Staples Easy Rebate (gift card) or $50 after rebate and coupon at Staples.com 12/18-12/20
话题: card话题: camera话题: sd1300is话题: powershot话题: mp