Dremel 1.15-Amp Keyed Rotary Tool Kit normally $55 now only $27!
If you participated in the lowes facebook deal over the weekend but didnt
get a 90% off coupon you should have received a $10 off $25 coupon in your
email. Using that unique code(one time use) you can get this for $17 shipped
to store free + tax.
This is the WIRED dremel all the battery ones suck. My first big self found
deal!! Be gentle.
Link: http://www.lowes.com/pd_225167-353-200-1/21_4294936478 4294965332_40_?productId=3025616&Ns=p_product_price|1&pl=1¤tURL=/pl_Dremel_4294936478+4294965332_40_?Ns=p_product_price|1&facetInfo=Dremel