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_Exile版 - Velvet Goldmine (ZZ)
Re: viepliveeUT Austin students using c**ks to fight off knife
俱乐部成员全没了A Walk in Beijing University
这个adam以前说话、唱歌都跟个女的似的。Re: 老实人,泥好象有点偾事激素
[转载]华丽摇滚狂想曲Typing Practice 4/12
Placebo 纽约 (Part V) Soulmates never die无聊的科学实验
摇滚电影[合集] 无聊的科学实验
Placebo 纽约 (Part V) Soulmates never die有人住过 Alta 的goldminer's daughter 吗?
Bourne Legacy阿拉斯加9天冰川之旅-2-吃住功略
话题: david话题: bowie话题: goldmine话题: velvet话题: movie
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3714
Luckily my roommate has this DVD, which I heard of from searching for
"David Bowie" not long ago. Nearly every article on David Bowie mentions
this movie.
At the first sight I failed to find this movie as atractive as it was
supposed to be. Then I found the music in it makes it deserve a second
careful look, which I did. Although David Bowie's songs were not used in it
(because David's own objection), the soundtrack is still a must hear,
of greater value even than the movie itself if I May say.
1 (共1页)
阿拉斯加9天冰川之旅-2-吃住功略Placebo 纽约 (Part V) Soulmates never die
雅顿官网买满$40送6-Piece Beauty Tote+FS摇滚电影
linkin park 2/21/11演唱会 (转载)Placebo 纽约 (Part V) Soulmates never die
钱mm这样的才是精英Bourne Legacy
Re: viepliveeUT Austin students using c**ks to fight off knife
俱乐部成员全没了A Walk in Beijing University
这个adam以前说话、唱歌都跟个女的似的。Re: 老实人,泥好象有点偾事激素
[转载]华丽摇滚狂想曲Typing Practice 4/12
话题: david话题: bowie话题: goldmine话题: velvet话题: movie