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_FilmArts版 - Interview with the actors
Oscars Anyone?居然有人欣赏洞
touching the voidadd sth in the JHQ
The Motorcycle Diaries成长的烦恼,永远的电影主题
My favourite actors, very fewyulu
REEL CHINA 2008 at NYU中文电影
BF Dolce 也上榜了 - Re: 电影入门101Re: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/filmarts/
Re: BF Dolce ~{R2IO0qAK~} - Re: ~{5gS0HkCE~}101welcome koolwind
[公告]投票ID名单1773 - 1776 好奇怪
话题: actors话题: tv话题: interview话题: watch话题: when
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3714
happened to see several interviews with the actors on TV. anybody
else seen it? it's very good. the questions are quite cute. last
time John Depp was interviewed, he was asked:
why do you want to hear God say when you get to the heaven?
"Oh yeah" was his answer.
another guy, forgot his name, was asked same question yesterday,
"here is the key, go and leave as you please." was his answer.
it is obvious that they are both good actors, even their way of
answering questions is a kind of performance,
发帖数: 348
"Inside the actors studio"? I guess it's Benicio Del Toro (of traffic)
yesterday. but I don't have a TV at home.... tmd

【在 v*******e 的大作中提到】
: happened to see several interviews with the actors on TV. anybody
: else seen it? it's very good. the questions are quite cute. last
: time John Depp was interviewed, he was asked:
: why do you want to hear God say when you get to the heaven?
: "Oh yeah" was his answer.
: another guy, forgot his name, was asked same question yesterday,
: "here is the key, go and leave as you please." was his answer.
: it is obvious that they are both good actors, even their way of
: answering questions is a kind of performance,

发帖数: 488
ft...u don't have a TV at home?

【在 d****i 的大作中提到】
: "Inside the actors studio"? I guess it's Benicio Del Toro (of traffic)
: yesterday. but I don't have a TV at home.... tmd

发帖数: 1383
i think it's not a bad thing
i have cable and TV but watch it maybe once a month

【在 w**m 的大作中提到】
: ft...u don't have a TV at home?
发帖数: 488
发帖数: 430
not more than 30 mins per month for years leh
i am not TV guy

【在 g*******a 的大作中提到】
: i think it's not a bad thing
: i have cable and TV but watch it maybe once a month

发帖数: 430
y sigh? very few interesting stuff on TV

【在 w**m 的大作中提到】

发帖数: 3714
yes u r right. I like that guy very much, but I don't remember
any foreign names...

【在 d****i 的大作中提到】
: "Inside the actors studio"? I guess it's Benicio Del Toro (of traffic)
: yesterday. but I don't have a TV at home.... tmd

发帖数: 3714
weird. I watch TV every night for more than 2 hours during the time
before sleep... after my DSL is cancelled. found many interesting things
there. the key point is, you have to change chanel very frequently.
I spent quite some time on "howard stein" show at chanel 34 every
night, and I watch "Tom and Jerry" whenever it is on 73 chanel.

【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: y sigh? very few interesting stuff on TV
发帖数: 8493

cant help lol

【在 v*******e 的大作中提到】
: weird. I watch TV every night for more than 2 hours during the time
: before sleep... after my DSL is cancelled. found many interesting things
: there. the key point is, you have to change chanel very frequently.
: I spent quite some time on "howard stein" show at chanel 34 every
: night, and I watch "Tom and Jerry" whenever it is on 73 chanel.

BF Dolce 也上榜了 - Re: 电影入门101居然有人欣赏洞
Re: BF Dolce ~{R2IO0qAK~} - Re: ~{5gS0HkCE~}101add sth in the JHQ
发帖数: 710
when I have cable, i'll make a list of all the things i want to
watch and watch them one by one, if can't catch it, will tape.
PBS has many great great great documentaries. Other channels have
something you can kill time with but: first
too many commercials, second, all the f words and R scenes are left
out, I tried twice, was really a torture. I think at some point
these channels should be sued for reducing the quality of life of
the american ppl.
by the way, what do you guys do when it's comme

【在 v*******e 的大作中提到】
: weird. I watch TV every night for more than 2 hours during the time
: before sleep... after my DSL is cancelled. found many interesting things
: there. the key point is, you have to change chanel very frequently.
: I spent quite some time on "howard stein" show at chanel 34 every
: night, and I watch "Tom and Jerry" whenever it is on 73 chanel.

发帖数: 230
I don't have a TV either, and am not going to have one. Hehe.
My biggest dream is to have a beamer at home, so I can play a movie on my
lappy, and have my very own big screen right there on the wall.
Still waiting patiently for the price of beamer to drop... sigh.

【在 s*****n 的大作中提到】
: not more than 30 mins per month for years leh
: i am not TV guy

发帖数: 230
Hehe, in my former life when I owned a TV, I used to watch Sunday afternoon
games and MNF with a couple of easy papers (not the hard-core theory type) on
hand. When the commercial breaks come, I just read my papers.
For everything else that I don't have to watch live, I tape them and
fastforward the commercial breaks. hehe.

【在 d***e 的大作中提到】
: when I have cable, i'll make a list of all the things i want to
: watch and watch them one by one, if can't catch it, will tape.
: PBS has many great great great documentaries. Other channels have
: something you can kill time with but: first
: too many commercials, second, all the f words and R scenes are left
: out, I tried twice, was really a torture. I think at some point
: these channels should be sued for reducing the quality of life of
: the american ppl.
: by the way, what do you guys do when it's comme

发帖数: 230
BTW, long time no see, and congrats on being a Dr. Dolce now!
Asked an Italian about the pronunciation of dolce, he said it sounds something
like Dou4 Qie4.


【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: Hehe, in my former life when I owned a TV, I used to watch Sunday afternoon
: games and MNF with a couple of easy papers (not the hard-core theory type) on
: hand. When the commercial breaks come, I just read my papers.
: For everything else that I don't have to watch live, I tape them and
: fastforward the commercial breaks. hehe.

发帖数: 710
hehe, that's right, not as good as it sounds in english. thank you!

【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: BTW, long time no see, and congrats on being a Dr. Dolce now!
: Asked an Italian about the pronunciation of dolce, he said it sounds something
: like Dou4 Qie4.
: on

发帖数: 59
您看howard stern不觉得很frustrated吗? 整天看他在那儿意淫. 我在拨台拨到howard
stern的时候,10次有8次他不是在让人把衣服拖了,就是在说"nice boobs". 他自己倒是耍
了流氓了, 可怜观众除了一堆马塞克啥也没看见,
我更不明白为什么大家爱听这样的radio show, 耍流氓的show却什么也看不到光听有什么

【在 v*******e 的大作中提到】
: weird. I watch TV every night for more than 2 hours during the time
: before sleep... after my DSL is cancelled. found many interesting things
: there. the key point is, you have to change chanel very frequently.
: I spent quite some time on "howard stein" show at chanel 34 every
: night, and I watch "Tom and Jerry" whenever it is on 73 chanel.

发帖数: 8493
after watched 2-3 times,I think jerry springer's show is better compared

【在 a**o 的大作中提到】
: 您看howard stern不觉得很frustrated吗? 整天看他在那儿意淫. 我在拨台拨到howard
: stern的时候,10次有8次他不是在让人把衣服拖了,就是在说"nice boobs". 他自己倒是耍
: 了流氓了, 可怜观众除了一堆马塞克啥也没看见,
: 我更不明白为什么大家爱听这样的radio show, 耍流氓的show却什么也看不到光听有什么
: 意思呢?

发帖数: 348
he can't see nothing from behind the sunglasses anyway

【在 m******s 的大作中提到】
: kekeke.agree.
: after watched 2-3 times,I think jerry springer's show is better compared
: stern

发帖数: 358
where you have the scheduel?? on the net?

【在 d***e 的大作中提到】
: when I have cable, i'll make a list of all the things i want to
: watch and watch them one by one, if can't catch it, will tape.
: PBS has many great great great documentaries. Other channels have
: something you can kill time with but: first
: too many commercials, second, all the f words and R scenes are left
: out, I tried twice, was really a torture. I think at some point
: these channels should be sued for reducing the quality of life of
: the american ppl.
: by the way, what do you guys do when it's comme

发帖数: 358
ffdt, so hard working , I do it in my middle school.

【在 t***u 的大作中提到】
: Hehe, in my former life when I owned a TV, I used to watch Sunday afternoon
: games and MNF with a couple of easy papers (not the hard-core theory type) on
: hand. When the commercial breaks come, I just read my papers.
: For everything else that I don't have to watch live, I tape them and
: fastforward the commercial breaks. hehe.

1 (共1页)
1773 - 1776 好奇怪REEL CHINA 2008 at NYU
四百击 Re: welcome sxqj!BF Dolce 也上榜了 - Re: 电影入门101
古惑仔之洪兴十三妹Re: BF Dolce ~{R2IO0qAK~} - Re: ~{5gS0HkCE~}101
Oscars Anyone?居然有人欣赏洞
touching the voidadd sth in the JHQ
The Motorcycle Diaries成长的烦恼,永远的电影主题
My favourite actors, very fewyulu
话题: actors话题: tv话题: interview话题: watch话题: when