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_FilmArts版 - fight club
你们有谁看过这个??MBA, part-time, Kellogg (2)
hehe.always like thisPh.D.(Computational Biology) in CS Department at Old Dominion University
the returnBaozi award: event in survival analysis
怎么让孩子变得AGGRESSIVE一点请支持 要求司法部不要用racial profiling办案的白宫请愿信 (转载)
Kungfu is not for fighting请支持 要求司法部不要用racial profiling办案的白宫请愿信
Black Culture/aggressiveness请支持 要求司法部向prof. Xi道歉的白宫请愿信
Cesar's way看到40页how to deal with aggressive middle-east undergraduate student
话题: culture话题: fight话题: western话题: club话题: material
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 585
I found I was very interested in the culture differences between American and
Asian people. After seeing Fight Club, I do feel the agressive and
self-confidence of western culture is never equally achieved by Chinese
culture. In western world, people live in the reality and fight for the
material and for the goodness of individual existence. In Aisan culture,
however, the fight is always for the goals in achieving harmony between nature
and the soul and less with material gains. Western culture
发帖数: 118
one of my favorite.

【在 a********o 的大作中提到】
: I found I was very interested in the culture differences between American and
: Asian people. After seeing Fight Club, I do feel the agressive and
: self-confidence of western culture is never equally achieved by Chinese
: culture. In western world, people live in the reality and fight for the
: material and for the goodness of individual existence. In Aisan culture,
: however, the fight is always for the goals in achieving harmony between nature
: and the soul and less with material gains. Western culture

发帖数: 4391
western culture encourages aggressiveness, while oriental/easten
culture discourages it.

【在 a********o 的大作中提到】
: I found I was very interested in the culture differences between American and
: Asian people. After seeing Fight Club, I do feel the agressive and
: self-confidence of western culture is never equally achieved by Chinese
: culture. In western world, people live in the reality and fight for the
: material and for the goodness of individual existence. In Aisan culture,
: however, the fight is always for the goals in achieving harmony between nature
: and the soul and less with material gains. Western culture

发帖数: 1383
dood, what have you been smoking...hie hie hie

【在 a********o 的大作中提到】
: I found I was very interested in the culture differences between American and
: Asian people. After seeing Fight Club, I do feel the agressive and
: self-confidence of western culture is never equally achieved by Chinese
: culture. In western world, people live in the reality and fight for the
: material and for the goodness of individual existence. In Aisan culture,
: however, the fight is always for the goals in achieving harmony between nature
: and the soul and less with material gains. Western culture

1 (共1页)
how to deal with aggressive middle-east undergraduate student忍不住说两句美国同事的反应
诚聘cell culture scientist(中国苏州) (转载)Kungfu is not for fighting
有包子,anyone interviewed in Rocket Fuel Inc.Black Culture/aggressiveness
面好某公司 被拒了 原因Cesar's way看到40页
你们有谁看过这个??MBA, part-time, Kellogg (2)
hehe.always like thisPh.D.(Computational Biology) in CS Department at Old Dominion University
the returnBaozi award: event in survival analysis
怎么让孩子变得AGGRESSIVE一点请支持 要求司法部不要用racial profiling办案的白宫请愿信 (转载)
话题: culture话题: fight话题: western话题: club话题: material