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_FilmArts版 - [转载] [zz] Matrix Review
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话题: matrix话题: review话题: don话题: mr话题: movie
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发帖数: 4391
【 以下文字转载自 Movie 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: ayanami (螃蟹,老子横着爬), 信区: Movie
标 题: [zz] Matrix Review
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon May 19 15:03:07 2003), 转信
Saw Matrix Reloaded this afternoon.
Executive Summary: It sucked.
For a more detailed review of this 138 minute suckfest, read within.
First, a confession: I haven't been to a movie in years. It's not that I
don't like movies; I love them. It's just that I don't particularly
care for t
发帖数: 4391
I can not agree more with the author. :)

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Movie 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: ayanami (螃蟹,老子横着爬), 信区: Movie
: 标 题: [zz] Matrix Review
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon May 19 15:03:07 2003), 转信
: Saw Matrix Reloaded this afternoon.
: Executive Summary: It sucked.
: For a more detailed review of this 138 minute suckfest, read within.
: ========================================================================
: First, a confession: I haven't been to a movie in years. It's not that I
: don't like movies; I love them. It's just that I don't particularly

发帖数: 865
Me too. (no need to write my review now.)
I just don't think it's THAT bad. It's actually enjoyable
(except the Zion orgy). It introduced a cliffhanger like
Empire Strikes Back (which is one of the greatest sequel ever).
Conclusion: too much money spoils movies.
If only the Wachowski Brothers made the Matrix 2 with only
100 million dollars...

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: I can not agree more with the author. :)
发帖数: 4391
It is at least better than legally blonde 2. :)
I just honestly don't think there is some phylosphyical meanings
behind MR. The first one was brilliant, but they are chewing the
samething over on MR...

【在 b****n 的大作中提到】
: Me too. (no need to write my review now.)
: I just don't think it's THAT bad. It's actually enjoyable
: (except the Zion orgy). It introduced a cliffhanger like
: Empire Strikes Back (which is one of the greatest sequel ever).
: Conclusion: too much money spoils movies.
: If only the Wachowski Brothers made the Matrix 2 with only
: 100 million dollars...

发帖数: 865
Minority Report is also MR.
Suggest call this MXR :-)

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: It is at least better than legally blonde 2. :)
: I just honestly don't think there is some phylosphyical meanings
: behind MR. The first one was brilliant, but they are chewing the
: samething over on MR...

发帖数: 4391
Well, to me, they both sucked. :)

【在 b****n 的大作中提到】
: Minority Report is also MR.
: Suggest call this MXR :-)

发帖数: 59
report 里构想的未来世界很酷啊。我本是很讨厌科幻片的,最烦什么一堆大怪物啥的,
但是minority report 里的科技既不过分离奇,又让人眼前一亮,连我这种痛恨计算机的
, 不过大家要求不能太高了嘛。也说不准某些现在看着没用的情节到了下一级就有用了(
比如说agent smith哪天冒充尼奥帅哥和催你替苟且,结果他家老二上少长一颗痣就被揭

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: Well, to me, they both sucked. :)
发帖数: 4391
Well, they certainly didn't "suck", (I was exaggerating) but they certainly
were not as good as some people claim them to be, at least not in my standard.
I saw the original Matrix, and absolutely deem it as a classic, way up there
in the movie echelon. It was a movie balanced with great ideas and carefully
choregraphed actions. You(I) never get bored.
This sequel fell short, it tries to immitate the success of the original, by
following the same set of equations that made the original such a su

【在 a**o 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得他们都算不上suck呀。暂且不论世界上头号大傻帽阿汤哥,我觉得minority
: report 里构想的未来世界很酷啊。我本是很讨厌科幻片的,最烦什么一堆大怪物啥的,
: 但是minority report 里的科技既不过分离奇,又让人眼前一亮,连我这种痛恨计算机的
: 都很向往。我觉得很大一部分原因在于它给人的感觉是这样的技术离我们并不遥远,所以
: 并不荒谬。
: 我觉得matrix的作用也是在于它向人们展示了什么叫酷。我看完就一个感觉,够酷。其他
: 的毛病都可以不追究了。作为一个blockbuster,我觉得它完全达到了他的目的。作为一个
: 科幻的blockbuster,他也足够炫啦。matrix的确有很多没用的情节,尤其是光屁股的orgy
: , 不过大家要求不能太高了嘛。也说不准某些现在看着没用的情节到了下一级就有用了(
: 比如说agent smith哪天冒充尼奥帅哥和催你替苟且,结果他家老二上少长一颗痣就被揭

发帖数: 155
if story telling stops in the M1, I will feel it is just a normal Sci-fi with
some cool stuff (actions and special effects). But it would be a waste to end
a good idea-----with concepts of technology nowadays (internet which virtual
world was built on), movie goes deep to explore some basic questions
M2 is more with plots and thoughts than M1. It is not immitating the first
one, and it is not a story of box in box. For a game of mind, thinking is more
fun than just watching,or simply moving some

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: Well, they certainly didn't "suck", (I was exaggerating) but they certainly
: were not as good as some people claim them to be, at least not in my standard.
: I saw the original Matrix, and absolutely deem it as a classic, way up there
: in the movie echelon. It was a movie balanced with great ideas and carefully
: choregraphed actions. You(I) never get bored.
: This sequel fell short, it tries to immitate the success of the original, by
: following the same set of equations that made the original such a su

发帖数: 4391
hehe M1 already asked the most important questions: Are you real? Is your life
real? how do you know they are real?
Those question are not meant to be answered, like all other philosophical
Any attempt trying to answer/evolve those questions I deem as 狗尾续貂。
But that is only my opinion.

【在 f**********f 的大作中提到】
: if story telling stops in the M1, I will feel it is just a normal Sci-fi with
: some cool stuff (actions and special effects). But it would be a waste to end
: a good idea-----with concepts of technology nowadays (internet which virtual
: world was built on), movie goes deep to explore some basic questions
: M2 is more with plots and thoughts than M1. It is not immitating the first
: one, and it is not a story of box in box. For a game of mind, thinking is more
: fun than just watching,or simply moving some

发帖数: 155
i feel the story has so much fun, nice plots, cool performence, great
Also W brother wrote whole story in the begining, i don't think it is 狗尾续
I will wait for M3, then tell if it is bad or not.

original, by
in a

【在 a*****i 的大作中提到】
: hehe M1 already asked the most important questions: Are you real? Is your life
: real? how do you know they are real?
: Those question are not meant to be answered, like all other philosophical
: questions.
: Any attempt trying to answer/evolve those questions I deem as 狗尾续貂。
: But that is only my opinion.

1 (共1页)
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同意 Re: 不喜欢MATRIX RELOADED疾评--V for Vendetta
不喜欢MATRIX RELOADEDY tu mama tambien
matrix III轱岭街真的很好
Re: this is what we've been waiting for, people! Matrix reloaded teaseRe: anybody seen heaven? --- a little spoiling
话题: matrix话题: review话题: don话题: mr话题: movie