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_Graphics版 - [转载] Re: 有什么算法可以比较两个图象是否相同?
image morphing?Siggraph 2002展报导:Nvidia与世界为敌
Re: 一个图像编辑问题1. Siggraph 2002展:图形技术的殿堂
谁去今年的siggraph?3. NV3x规格流出
siggraph paper4. NV3x定案波涛汹涌
有在游戏公司工作的朋友吗?有人去E3吗?5. NV3x的精确图形:下一代3D的主要概念
SIGGRAPH 2002 is coming...6. Nvidia有趣的一面
大虾们推荐几个做图形学研究(动画)比较牛的实验吧7. 3Dlabs的反击
关于“texture compression”的话题8. ATI的Fire GL X1
话题: 相同话题: change话题: may话题: 图象话题: same
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 117
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: thomaswq (无情,清恰似风,icycool pighead ), 信区: EE
标 题: Re: 有什么算法可以比较两个图象是否相同?
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue May 7 18:41:11 2002) WWW-POST
if the change is really tiny.
you may try histogram.
however it will not work is the secene change oppositely.
saying from even whit black change to black white.
发帖数: 474
there is some algo from the visual perception.
You check some SIGGRAPH paper by Gary Meryer

【在 t******q 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: thomaswq (无情,清恰似风,icycool pighead ), 信区: EE
: 标 题: Re: 有什么算法可以比较两个图象是否相同?
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue May 7 18:41:11 2002) WWW-POST
: if the change is really tiny.
: you may try histogram.
: however it will not work is the secene change oppositely.
: saying from even whit black change to black white.
: 即使
: 否相

发帖数: 35
what is the definition of 相同???
if the size is 相同, does it mean 相同?
if the number of objects is 相同, does it mean 相同?
if the contrast is 相同, does not mean 相同?
the definition is not clear, so the problem cannot solved.

【在 t******q 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: thomaswq (无情,清恰似风,icycool pighead ), 信区: EE
: 标 题: Re: 有什么算法可以比较两个图象是否相同?
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue May 7 18:41:11 2002) WWW-POST
: if the change is really tiny.
: you may try histogram.
: however it will not work is the secene change oppositely.
: saying from even whit black change to black white.
: 即使
: 否相

发帖数: 117
your answer is interesting.
let us assume the question is that the content of the
picture is the same or not?
then we get just get the differnece frame between the two
picture. bitwise.
then sum all the pixel value of the difference frame,
if the valuse is not Zero.
then there is at least one pixel not same.
upon the assumption of the defination of Differenct.
Then we can say it is not the same.

【在 r***o 的大作中提到】
: what is the definition of 相同???
: if the size is 相同, does it mean 相同?
: if the number of objects is 相同, does it mean 相同?
: if the contrast is 相同, does not mean 相同?
: ......................
: the definition is not clear, so the problem cannot solved.
: ,
: 是

发帖数: 305

【在 t******q 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: thomaswq (无情,清恰似风,icycool pighead ), 信区: EE
: 标 题: Re: 有什么算法可以比较两个图象是否相同?
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue May 7 18:41:11 2002) WWW-POST
: if the change is really tiny.
: you may try histogram.
: however it will not work is the secene change oppositely.
: saying from even whit black change to black white.
: 即使
: 否相

发帖数: 474
what is that? term in English?

【在 x*n 的大作中提到】
: 数字减影
发帖数: 305

【在 l**p 的大作中提到】
: what is that? term in English?
发帖数: 305
DSA---digital subtraction angiography(?)
发帖数: 7
Take the difference.

【在 t******q 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: thomaswq (无情,清恰似风,icycool pighead ), 信区: EE
: 标 题: Re: 有什么算法可以比较两个图象是否相同?
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue May 7 18:41:11 2002) WWW-POST
: if the change is really tiny.
: you may try histogram.
: however it will not work is the secene change oppositely.
: saying from even whit black change to black white.
: 即使
: 否相

发帖数: 3412
registration is better.i guess. take a couple of points.
then find out the yn=f(xn)
i am not pretty sure,but there is a algorithm,quite simple.
read a paper about this.:P not quite understand,but seems work

【在 b***i 的大作中提到】
: Take the difference.
: ,
: 是

1 (共1页)
8. ATI的Fire GL X1有在游戏公司工作的朋友吗?有人去E3吗?
9. Matrox的三头脑筋急转弯SIGGRAPH 2002 is coming...
10. 神游仙境大虾们推荐几个做图形学研究(动画)比较牛的实验吧
glTexImage3D()关于“texture compression”的话题
image morphing?Siggraph 2002展报导:Nvidia与世界为敌
Re: 一个图像编辑问题1. Siggraph 2002展:图形技术的殿堂
谁去今年的siggraph?3. NV3x规格流出
siggraph paper4. NV3x定案波涛汹涌
话题: 相同话题: change话题: may话题: 图象话题: same